Hey guys just wanted to drop in and tell you about us. OverCastHalo.net We are a Halo Machinima clan formed to make fun videos and showcase them to the community. The group was formed by Blayke, Carlos, and Andeh on September 11th 2008. Our goal is to make real machinima and have a fast growing online community. Members: Overlords/Admins: -Blayke -Darker -Andeh Leaders/Super Moderators -Xit Wounds (Hockey Player 4) -Rogue -SwiftBlade Moderators: -Edd -Golden Wun -Diggy B Foundation: All of the overlords have had past experience in running websites, forums, and halo 2 clans. We have all been leaders of the clans HaloPath.com and Cyclone Cinema. However the clans no longer exist we decided to band together once again to make a bookmark in the making of machinima. We plan to make a great impact in the community and please many viewers. Machinima: -HMV coming soon! -Cell Block 117 coming soon! -Bungie Offices coming soon! -Many more scipts in the making. Contests: Coming soon! Website: Visit http://www.overcasthalo.net Recruitment: Recruitment is currently closed, But if you are int interested sign up and make a name for yourself. Contact: -Blayke AIM: Blayke11 MSN: blayke.3@hotmail.com Skype: Blayke11 -Darker AIM: xXDarkerXx MSN: dwdark3r@hotmail.com -Andeh AIM: thepheonix619
So do you guys help people create machinima and provide tutorials, too? Anyway, your site looks very intriguing; however, I'm not really into machinima... so... yeah. kthxbai
Well we make machinima, We have a few tutorials up at the moment and we are creating a few teamwork and other machinima tutorial movies.
you guys have vbulletin for a machinima site? lol digital ph33r has phpbb haha Well, pretty nice site you have going
Thank you so much guys!! all registrations are appreciated, If any admins of forge hub would like to become affiliates sign up and PM Blayke he is the owner of OCH
lol, the abbreviation is OCH; not that funny I guess, just tryin' to humour myself. Anyway, I'd like to learn a lot more about machinima and try creating one. I just registered as Bahh and I'll have a look around the site. So far it seems very nice and clean.
Yeah dude, As long as your active you can be in all our movies, Even create movies for yourself with out help. P.S make sure you set me as the referee. Btw make an intro thread