Ok as you know I'm a very big Mirror's Edge fan. And for those who don't know runner's vision basically turns things you should use red. They are not usually the fastest routes, but they are good for when you don't know what you should do. (It is not available on hard so I didn't use it all the time.) So recently at school well I've started to sort of see with runner's vision. I mean things don't turn red by I've started noticing what I could do if I was a runner. Has this happened to anyone? I'm being serious thats why I didn't put this in off topic.
This happens with alot of games. I see things that could possibly look like notes going down the highway of a GH game atleast once a day.
No, but i could ask my little brother if you want me to. I still have an imagination, and free-running is pretty fun but after i played the demo of that game i could never go back. Too repetative. But since were not taslking about the game, No, i havent thought about free-running through the town, or thinking about what i could do. However i can do a backflip? lol and a ganer if you know what those are.
I do, but I am an amatuer (and I mean ameatur) traceur (free runner). All I do is vaults and stuff like that, I can't flip. But I do know what you mean. I'm getting the game for christmas. Can't wait. But i've got to ask, how awesome is it. I've only played the demo.
LOl i heard a story of some guy that plays xbox live so much, when he sees his friend, he sees his gamertag floating above his head. As for me i joke around at school with my friend. Every time i eat something i say i got plus radiation, and i saw an electrical box that i swear was a medical box from fallout 3. [all fallout 3 related, i am obsessed with that game]
Haha do people you dont likes gamertags show up red? Anyway yeah I know what you mean, everytime I see a long slide, a pipe on the side of the building, or a ladder going up to the top of my school I'm like OMFG I want to! But I can't. Darn you rules of politeness in society!