Alright, so about a week or so ago, I told you guys that me and Trilogy were working on a map, that we called (or I called) Skinsel Town. Now we have done some remolding including the name; Now officially REPETITION, its got some new structures, and were are starting work on the half of it (I know, I know, the half I am showing you still needs work,BUT..) Also, we are probably going to make it 1 Flag. Just sayin as I am giving you a previewz so I should, DUH.. Anyway, NOW ONTO DA PICZORZ Overview of Back Area New Center Area Self Proclaimed Broken Pillar of Awesomeness, Yes it does extend from floor up into roof corner (THNX Trilogy) New Castle Wall GEO'd Fence Box (Actually Took longer than I thought It would) Alright so once again comments would be greatly appreciated\\ By the Way THNX for keeping us entertained Solo92.
This looks hot. I can't wait for it to be released. I personally am starting to dig the simple looking structures. I love that base in the back (I don't know if it was simple, I just meant it doesn't look extremely complex). I don't know why I like it, I just do. Keep up the good work.
Looks like a very good map so far, but just wondering why did you not geomerge the wall, instead you put fence walls, I would geomerge it to show that you have patience and this isn't one of those every day maps. No one would no anything if you did it, but if you don't do it people will notice, just one of those things. Also fence walls can be very good for aesthetic things like fence walls with shield doors in them make it look really futuristic.
I'm guessing he didnt geomerge it because it didn't work into the arch of the wall. And the fence box is merged into the wall and I think that looks pretty kick ass myself...
Thnx guys, keep up with the comments. And Kila, what smitty said is true, I was trying to keep the curve.
Holy crap, LOOK AT THAT GEO-MERGING. DOES NOT NEED MOAR INTERLOCKING. Id play this map as it is right now lmao. This looks super awesome. How did you interlock so perfectly neat?
Hmmm the layout is becoming great. Make sure you clean up some interlockz. Anyway so far the map looks pretty good, keep it up and dont let the laziness get to you!
I wouldn't say that, because there are a few places, where we just put in the Interlox for planning, but are gonna clean it up latter (Yes Bobsaget, we will clean it up.) About half of the geomerging, including The Pillar is Trilogy's so I will give him credit for that. Keep the comments flowing.
it looks good but at the same time it looks very sloppy and some interlocks could be cleaned up just a little bit. also the map looks like it would be very breakable
Make sure you add another row of boxes or something so you can't break the map. Right now you can get out with a simple grenade jump. The geomerging and designs look fantastic though!!
Yeah, definitaly, right now this map is 100% white meat, I MEAN Breakable. We will fix in the final product, but right now we aren't worried By the way Blue Devil, I was the guy on the map that Sdrac was helping me on, You said EPIC PHAIL, and that really hurt ma feelings, LOL JK.
i did lot of geo-merges for this map i like my piller of awesomeness im thinking about making a box ramp... but im still in the process od making thew attackers base Youtuber is here with me giving me some ideaz Pce out