1.Guardian 2. The Pit 3. Narrows 4. Construct 5. Last Resort 6. Epitaph 7. Cold Storage (i did my version, without so many teleports, it turned out great). The others are just too big. Note that i dont have Blackout, Avalanche and Ghost Town. The worst is BY FAR Isolation. Note that foundry was left out. Well, the original foundry sucks too.
-Guardian -The Pit -Valhalla -Last Resort -High Ground -Standoff -Narrows -Construct -Blackout -Sandtrap -Ghost Town -Cold Storage -Foundry -Avalanche -Rat's Nest -Isolation -Epitaph -Snowbound
1. Rat's Nest 2. The Pit 3. Standoff 4. Valhalla 5. High Ground 6. Guardian 7. Sandtrap 8. Guardian 9. Ghost Town 10. Last Resort 11. Blackout 12. Foundry 13. Construct 14. Narrows 15. Snowbound 16. Avalanche 17. Isolation
Guardian 1. The Pit 2. Blackout 3. Construct 4. Last Resort 5. Ghost Town 6. Epitaph 7. Rat's Nest 8. High Ground 9. Narrows 10. Avalanche 11. Cold Storage 12. Foundry 13. Sandtrap 14. Valhalla 15. Standoff 16. Snowbound 17. Isolation 18.
1.Guardian 2.The Pit 3.Blackout 4.Construct 5.Valhalla 6.Avalanche 7.Last Resort 8.Sandtrap 9.Epitaph 10.Ghost Town 11.Standoff 12.Snowbound 13.Narrows 14.Rat's Nest 15.Foundry 16.Cold Storage 17.High Ground 18.Isolation I did it from the top and bottom at the same time so the maps i normally don't play are in the middle. If only there was 3 last places.
Hmm. Tough one. All i am going to say is that foundry and isolation would be dead last, whenever i get foundry, i just quit it straight away it is so bad. Guardian and The pit would be pretty high up, don't mind boundless either, although HC snowbound is average. Normal snowbound is o.k, but you only seem to get it in FFA/
MLG 4v4 Slayer - MLG Guardian - MLG Pit - MLG Construct - MLG Narrows - MLG Amplified (Foundry) - MLG Blackout The maps I don't care for - Last Resort - Valhalla - Ghost Town - Cold Storage - High Ground - Standoff - Avalanche - Sandtrap - Rat's Nest - Epitaph - Snowbound
1. The Pit (i got 2 perfections there ) 2. guardian 3. blackout 4. High Ground 5. last resort 6. epitaph 7. foundry 8. narrows 9. Snowbound 10. Rat's Nest 11. Ghost Town 12. isolation 13. construct 14. standoff 15. valhalla 16. avalanche 17. cold storage 18. sandtrap very odd taste in maps
Mine - 1. Guardian 2. Narrows 3. Blackout 4. The Pit 5. Valhalla 6. Sandtrap 7. Avalanche 8. Construct 9. Cold Storage 10. Last Resort 11. Rat's Nest 12. Ghost Town 13. Foundry 14. High Ground 15. Isolation 16. Standoff 17. Epitaph 18. Snowbound Ah, fixed the ones I missed.
1 guardian 2 the pit 3 isolation 4 narrows 5 construct 6 high ground 7 last resort 8 snow bound 9 valhalla 10 epitaph 11 black out 12 foundry 13 sand trap 14 avalanche 15 rats nest 16 standoff 17 ghost town 18 cold storage
1. Guardian 2. The Pit 3. Construct 4. Blackout 5. Narrows 6. Isolation 7. Ghost Town 8. Foundry 9. Last Resort 10. Standoff 11. High Ground 12. Cold Storage 13. Valhalla 14. Avalanche 15. Sandtrap 16. Snowbound 17. Epitaph 18. Rat's Nest
My Maps 1. Construct 2. The Pit 3. Guardian 4. Narrows 5. Valhalla 6. High Ground 7. Last Resort 8. Sandtrap 9. Blackout 10. Rat's Nest 11. Ghost Town 12. Standoff 13. Foundry 14. Cold Storage 15. Avalanche 16. Isolation 17. Epitaph 18. Snowbound
1.Guardian 2.The Pit(Rampage XD) 3.Last Resort(Best map for snipers,wtf was bungie thinking takin it out!!) 4.Avalanche 5.Construct 6.Valhalla(snipers or heavies) 7.Narrows(snipers) 8.High Ground 9.Cold storage 10.Foundry 11.Ghost Town 12.Sandtrap(snipers) 13.Blackout(i suck here!) 14.Standoff(****ing spawn campers heaven) 15.Rat's Nest 16.Isolation 17.Snowbound 18.Epitaph BTW who made Isolation the bungie boozer!!?
My Carnage Report: 1. Guardian (OMG close quarters ftw!) 2. Snowbound (Again close qaurters, but with some vehicular action) 3. Valhalla (Good for EVERYTHING) 4. Rats Nest (Bum-rush!) 5. The Pit (See #4) 6. Avalanche (I love snow) 7. Last Resort (Best one sided gametype map) 8. Stand Off (Vehicular meets foot combat bum rushing) 9. Epitaph (Look at them nades fly!) 10. Ghost Town (Just cause) 11. Foundry (Fast paced) 12. Cold Storage (Well...only for SWAT) 13. Sand Trap (Vehicular to duh maxorz) 14. Isolation (Who wouldnt like a barf coated map?) 15. High Ground (Nostalgia of first play on matchmaking) 16. Blackout (Again...BUM RUSH!!!) 17. Construct (PIECE OF DOG SH**!) 18. Narrows (Worse than construct *barf*)
1. Sandtrap 2. Guardian 3. Blackout 4. Avalanche 5. The Pit 6. Valhalla 7. Ghost Town 8. Isolation 9. Cold Storage 10. High Ground 11. Last Resort 12. Epitaph 13. Rat's Nest 14. Standoff 15. Foundry 16. Snowbound 17. Construct 18. Narrows My friends say I have a weird taste in maps.
1. Construct (Best Map EVER) 2. Sandtrap (Best Big Team (Heavy) Map) 3. The Pit (Best Slayer) 4. Last Resort (Just a lot of fun) 5. Avalanche (Second Best Big Team (Heavy) Map) 6. High Ground (Best Asymmetrical) 7. Guardian (Runner Up For best slayer) 8. Rat's Nest (Fun with vehicles and CQ) 9. Isolation (Underrated fun) 10. Standoff (CTF FTW) 11. Narrows (Very narrow fun) 12. Valhalla ( Too many hills but fun driving) (laser = unhappy face) 13. Ghost Town (SWAT Win) 14. Snowbound (Team Snipers = Fun) 15. Epitaph (Alright) 16. Blackout (Fail) 17. Foundry (The matchmaking version) (Default is a piece of crap) 18. Cold Storage (I'm glad it's free cause I'd never would've bought it) There should be a poll for people to vote on their favourite map.