District Map made my Mearm. 4-12 players. Use with any gametype. District is my latest map, and probably one of my better made ones. For certain, you will not rely on an assault rifle on this map, as it will be too long range to use. The Battle rifle will be your best friend on this map (Or the Carbine). The long sight ranges and many tall structures will make the map seem larger, and in my opinion, it works. This is a break away from my usual kind of maps, which I think focus too much on CQB combat rather than long range. Weapons on the map include: 2 assault rifles, 6 battle rifles, a shotgun, a sniper, 4 SMGs, 2 spikers, 2 magnums, 2 plasma pistols, 2 plasma rifles, 2 needlers, 2 brute shots, a rocket launcher, 4 carbines and 2 maulers. Equipment on the map includes: 4 frags, 8 plasma grenades, 2 bubble shields, a power drain, a trip mine, a grav lift, a regenerator, a radar jammer, a flare and a deployable cover. This map will work well with objective, I can tell you from experience during testing. The gameplay changes drastically during different modes. During most objective gametypes, the majority of combat will go on in the two bases. During slayer, oddball and king of the hill, most combat will be in the outer portions of the map, away from the bases. The attacker's base is completely symmetrical to the defender's base. When you spawn, you and your opponent will be on an even playing field. During objective, you probably won't see most of the outer portions of the map, which hold the better weapons. When you leave your base to get these weapons, remember that you could be gone while the enemy team storms your base and takes your flag. It's a risk. While the bases are completely symmetrical, The outside portions of the map are asymetrical. This makes for different gameplay in the different sides of the map. The only thing symmetrical in these parts of the map are the weapons, which are on each side, but not in simmilar places. This map was made with mostly long range combat in mind, but there are some parts where a close range weapon will come in handy. Your assault rifle will be useful in short stretches of hallway or passage. Just remember to keep any eye out when you're on the ground floor, as you may be hit by an oncoming ghost. Action Shots The needler fails at close combat. This is why the ghost is balanced on this map. Wait, how did you hit me? Camping gone bad. Now face the consequences. That's a new trick. Ariel highjacking! Credits I know many of you will comment on the ghost, but it is balanced on this map, I assure you. The tight turns make it hard for the ghost to manuever, the fusion coils and the rocket are just plain bad news for anyone on the ghost, and the ghost is very vulnerable from above. As for the rocket, well, it's there to counteract the ghost, but it has 4 total shots and spawns every 3 minutes, so once you use it, you won't see it again for a while. Thanks to Parune for taking the pictures with me, and thanks to everyone who we got to test with us. If you have any comments please post them. Have fun! (I am the one in steel and gold, Parune is the one in white and green) Here is a link to the map: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=58592919
this looks pretty good, it has multi levels and platforms, and everything seems to either couteract something or for epicness. the interlocking is great and so is themerging. the only thing i have to say about this map is the weapons, two maulers and a shotgun? i think thats pushing it a little. and unless the sniper is in the center structsure then it may be a little one sided. 3.7/5 maybe we can party up and forge sometime?
The sniper is in an open box, you can see the box if you look carefully in the 4th pic, but it is in the center structure. As for the shotgun/maulers, this is a very open map, so they will not be as useful as they could be. There is one mauler on top of a geomerged box in both bases, so they are relatively far away from each other, and the shotgun is deep into the outer rim of the map.
looks nice, I could see improvemen in some places but v2 could, if you put enough into it, be feature worthy. cant wait for a v2. still a 5/5
Please revise your post, right now your post is spam. Please add to your current post. This map does look very nice. The layout doesnt seem very original but the ghost is a very nice touch to the map and doesn't necessarily "take Over" the map because you have plenty of places to take cover from it. Good JOb on this map. Keep forging
And every other post. The guy has been spamming in almost every post he's made today. Getting back to the map, it looks great! The interlocking in flawless, everything looks nice and smooth. The geo-merging is good, it's used where it's needed. However, all of those scattered fusion coils on the bottom of the map will be used for more than taking out the ghost... Overall the map looks really good, but I feel the fusion coils may make the ground level somewhat of a minefield to passing players. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I've seen this kind of problem with fusion coils before. 4.5/5 and keeping forging.
There are only 8 total fusion coils on the map, and they are meant to be used for more than just the ghost. I can see what you mean by the ground floor being a minefield, but the fusion coils are few and far between, except for the truck area, but those are there to kill the person going for the shotgun.
Wow this is great, I love all the towers, and how the map is focused on staying off the ground and using long range weapons. The only thing you could improve on is the bases. 5/5
I don't have many objects left, and I've reached the maximum number of objects I can place, but any suggestions on what I could do to improve?
Ya move the double box with the walls on it to the fence wall with the barrier on it and push it into the ground so it's even with the fence wall.
Are you saying to geomerge the double box into the ground to meet the fence floor in the base so you don't have to jump?
Yes exactly, I also suggest replacing the rockets with a spartan laser. That way you could take out the goast, but you couldn't dominate with the rocket. There are so many fusion coils even if you miss them with a rocket it will be an intstant kill.
I could probably do that. As for the spartan laser, I see how it could be more fair with it instead of the rocket. I'll consider these if I make a V2 of this map.
This map looks really good, i like the city, urban tower feel of it. However, there seems to be too much pointless interlox and geo's like random walls in the ground and fence boxes (they may have been for aesthetics but still) anyway looks good sooo... Overall Map: 3.6/5 Overall Map Aesthetics: 4/5
Pointless interlocks? I never thought I'd hear this at Forgehub lol. Actually the geomerged fence box is there for a reason. It's there so that you can jump up to the second floor from it, and to fill up the space thats there. And the merged walls there are for cover as well as aesthetics.