Drawbridge Created by Godavari (With alot of help from mAtT mUrKiN5) Supported Gametypes: All, but I recomend Slayer, CTF, Assault, or Oddball Map Description This map uses the open portion of Foundry, having a base in the front and a base in the back. There is a canyon between these bases that cannot be jumped unless using a brute shot or grenade jump. This channel creates a play style unique to Drawbridge, where an attempt at invading the enemy base will almost always get you killed before reaching it. However, the play style is changed when the drawbridge in the center of the map deploys. The bridge gives teams a more direct route to each other, while keeping the middle canyon passable. 3 minutes into the game, a couple of sniper rifles are added to the mix, creating an entirely different environment from the beginning. _________________________________________________ Overview of the map (from attacker side) [/img] Fully extended drawbridge [/img] Defender's garage- a ghost + 2 maulers [/img] Attacker's garage- a mongoose + a brute shot [/img] ACTION SHOTS!!! Ghost + Trip Mine = BAD [/img] You got Sniped! [/img] The shotgun is accessible after the drawbridge deploys [/img] _________________________________________________ This is my third map on Forgehub. I have to admit, it kicks my other map's asses. I want to thank mAtT mUrKiN5 for his advice on aesthetics and a pmp nmd slkbk for making the original drawbridge that I based this map off of. Also I want to thank in advance anyone who gives me feedback on this thread (can you say V2?) =) Download Drawbridge
Hmm, looks cool, like how you based it off a switch. However, to start off, gameplay doesn't look to be very good, a ghost vs. a mongoose, never a good idea. Also the bases look simplistic and is the drawbridge really gonna change the game that much?? Anyway Ill DL and find out, good post and also, I TINK I GOT DAH FIRST POST WOOT
This map is very aesthetically pleasing and the drawbridge is by far the best I have seen but since this is competitive I would add way more to the map for gameplay. Its really hard to play on a map just with a drawbridge and the two vehicles. Looks good, right now it seems like a very excellent template to work off of and I guaruntee you will get requests for using this to make maps off of
I intended for the Ghost to be balanced by the brute shot and the two trip mines. I played it extensively with my friends and I can assure you that the ghost is not overpowered at all.
I agree and I think that was very well thought through and was successfull when you posted this map. Im glad you thought of that because it really did help balance the map. In the future I might ask you for permission to make a v2 off of this map.
Looks nice. I like the interlocking, the merging, the general layout is nice too. But I think this should be more of a casual map. It doesn't really seem that much of a competitive map. Still, 8/10. Good one! I really like it.
I really like the Drawbridge switch you did. The map looks kinda open, maybe you should add some cover.
Thanks! If I ever get around to DL'ing Sanskrit and it seems like a good map, then maybe I'll give you permission.
Maybe if I could figure out how to make this drawbridge reusable, as in making it go back and forth it would be pretty bad ass, good switch, kinda open though, did you use budget glitched?
Jimbodawg, I think what Frito92 meant is that this is the first competitive map to implement the drawbridge. I did get the idea for the bridge after seeing the one you referenced, but made a few modifications, the most obvious of all is that I created a map around it.
You better have given a pmp nmd slkbk a lot of credit because you based this entire map off his work. I don't see the use for a switch anyway. Put some bridges extending across each side. Mabey some more cover on the second floors too.
nice going Godavari! haha I must say, you -might- have to add a few more weapons and scenery, but overall, 7 / 10
I'm gonna guess people are going to go ahead and say "It would've been better as a switch!" But I personally like the fact that it's automatic. I like this idea, it just needs a bit more cover perhaps. It just seems empty. I know that might have factored into the gameplay that you described, it would just play better if you added more things. Great idea though.
While I like the idea behind it I think It would work much better if both bases where extended higher up maybe 2 1/2- 3rd floor lever. And if the sniper towers where placed with in the opening between the two bases with a certain angle to avoid shooting the other base and focus them on protecting their own base + allowing snipers to pick people off if they fall down