the two guitars that have been posted are hot and sexy SEXY. but yeah i haven't been able to play in a while, and since I haven't been doing anything extracurricular i decided ill start playing guitar again. i have forgotten everything i knew however and will have to reteach myself songs.
I'm the same way. I quit my highschool soccer team because I didn't like the coach, and club soccer hasn't started up yet, so I'm just now getting back into it. I've forgotten a lot though as well, because I'm 100% self taught and haven't played in a while...
yeah you know it's like when your hanging out and doing clubs you think about other things you should be doing like playing guitar
Or when you're doing homework like I am currently doing and you think about other things you should be doing... like playing guitar. (Or should not be doing but would prefer to do.)
I have been playing the guitar for a little over a year now and I have an Ibanez something. I like it, it's more of a beginner's guitar but I'm a beginner so whatever. It's electric though, not acoustic. I just learned how to play More Than a Feeling but without the solo. Boston owns.
Yeah, that's a good song. I actually have an Ibanez, that was my first guitar. It's a nice guitar and I still play it from time to time. By the way, More Than a Feeling sounds so much better on acoustic. When I tried to learn it I gave up on the electric and went out and got an acoustic just so I could learn some Boston ha.
You lied to me Squidy, I did the same to Toochie just now. Nothing, just sat there and yawned also.. I even strummed the chord n stuff.. THE THREAD IS A LIE!
If you are looking into spending money, get a Gibson Les Paul... Nothing can beat their sound quality, feel... It makes me wet. Gibson USA: Gibson Les Paul Standard Guitar, The Les Paul Standard Electric Guitar Facts and Pictures fap fap fap. P.S. Go to guitar center, they're having a huge sale right now. They also have a lot of guitars in stock, I was just there the other day messing around with some guitars.
Thanks for the info. And my friend has a Les Paul, I bust it everytime I see it. Not joking. Get it insured. Get da fuk out plz
If you're still looking for an acoustic, Taylor makes some good ones for a fair price. Guild can't be beat, but they're expensive. If you're really into guitars, it might be worth it to save up some more $$ and get one of those. Go to Guitar Center or some similar place and compare the tones of them to one of the others brands they have, you'll **** your pants.