At first I had thought it was just Duck Hunt but then the scoring system made me believe otherwise. I truly think that is quite original and this might just be a fun competitive mini game between friends.
Wow, this looks great. Unfortunately, I have a Red Ring for the next couple weeks, but I have this que'd. Just wondering, though: is the scoring system random? By that I mean, depending on which mancannon/part of the missile launcher, is that how many points you get? Is there any way to aim yourself? I've seen some that go like that, no matter how you go in you'll get the same result of 'this many' points depending on which mancannon you get launched out of.
There are ways to change your landing spot. While it is hard to hit the center, tapping jump as you spawn in does give you a better chance at being in position. Also you might notice that the target is placed so you hit it as you begin falling, giving you more control over your targeting. I haven't done any extensive testing but I'm relatively sure you can hit the center of the target from each cannon. From the description: "Their goal is to jump while spawning in order to maneuver themselves towards the center of the target." But there are a few other problems with this game, not mentioned here, that will be remedied with a v2 update soon. After testing it some more I will look at the probabilities of hitting the center of the target depending on which cannon you get launched out of.
The target looks pretty cool. Looks like a fun game too play and waste so time. Will DL and try out. Good job and keep em coming.
That sir, is probably one of the most clever scoring systems that I have ever witnessed on this forum. I give your ingenuity a 10/10. The map looks pretty good. The target looks nice and the sniper base looks pretty well put together. However, even though it seems functional, is there anything you can do to improve the launching center? I understand that the original duck hunt had an ugly freakin launcher, but you may want to do something as simple as moving the custom power-ups farther into the box. I dunno, it not a problem, it was just the only thing that came to mind. Overall this will be on my Dl list this weekend. 5/5 Love, Zachary9990
And that's the fun of the challenge! It wouldn't have to be FULLY functional, just as close as possible, heck, there may even be a better way of doing it that could make it more realistic, maybe even without the need for teleporters. Then again I'm the kind've guy that enjoys tackling the ideas and the challenges of forging something rather than creating the end product itself, that's why I like to make teh puzzle maps. And yeah a switch to allow 3 launches for each player would be cool too. Ok sure no one's had to make something like that before but I 100% believe it would be possible. It's solving problems like that that push the boundaries of Forge further. If you just go in with the mindset of "This can't be done because I can't immediately see a way to do it" then we wouldn't make any progress. Just look at Devinish's recent Moon Waffle map. The elevator in that is practically fully functional, with opening/closing doors and everything. Many people would've said that was "impossible". So, yeah, anyway, I just thought it would be a cool idea to pursue. I'm not saying you "Have" to do it, I just thought it may be something you might like to try. The glass is half full!
haha, actually after I wrote that post I came up with a way to do it but I really have no desire to forge the map myself. But I'll share my thoughts regarding it("for the progression of forging") in case anyone is actually interested in part taking in it. But first off I would just like to say, it wasn't so much that I didn't think it could be done I just didn't feel the game itself would not have been very fun. Not to mention it somewhat offends me to be called out for being such a pessimist, I have spent hours working on creative mini game concepts only to have them not pan out. In my opinion it's not a fair comparison between designing new mini game ideas and a elevator with a door(or even puzzles for the matter). I'm sure going into the project devinish knew that if he could have successful found out a way to make his elevator it would have been a hit. On the other hand going into minigame design, even if you nail your original idea, the gameplay itself might not even be that fun or might not be interesting to others. For example, I personally like my 'Operative' mini game more than 'tofurkey shoot' but to my surprise the map isn't nearly as popular or getting as nearly as may replies(even though I posted them on the same day). I know in the world of puzzle forging this concept itself isn't really used as all one needs to do is come up with creative ways for a player to get from one place to another. On the other hand, Mini games actually need creative elements to come up with the game to begin with, then take it a step further and focus on game play and replayiblity aspects. This is where I see this dart board idea not working out. Ok, so here is my idea for the dart board. The 3 turn switch is actually quite easy, all you would need to do is come up with a switch that unblocked and reblock a teleporter every 45(or so) seconds. This could be done with a crate, fusion coil and gravity lift. Then adjust the respawn rate so that people are able to be launched 3 times before the teleporter is reclose and opened for the other player.(although there might be some trouble with this as depending on what spot the player hits they might take longer on their turn) As for board itself you could contruct something like this(this is where it gets a bit questionable): (completely empty of course and with the design of a dart board) Then place 1 teleporter in each of the sections, in place of doing the full 20 wedged board you could do 10 then two in the center. But there would need to be some sort of man cannon or gavity lift setup in the structure that forced players into teleport so they could jump down to other sections.