Lol thanks man wouldn't have been the way it is now if it wasn't for your advice .........well maybe yea thanks dude I'm glad to hear you approve of the changes. Indeed you are lol I put you in the "Special Thanks" section. Good luck on Observer
too many colors!!! Ahhhh! Anyway great map I always knew makeing skateparks was hard cuz all that inter locking. But u pulled it off. My XBL is down but ill dl!
A Picture is worth a thousand words. This is a map that I had way too much fun on. Beautifully built. I figure the pic of me and my friend are enough to count this not as spanm
no.. words.. to.. describe.. the amazing-everythingAisInterlockedgoodness! I love how everything is above those revolting dirty floors of foundry. also, the way you made a skate park into a zombie map, And a VIP map, is great. This puts an all new meeting to skate parks. 5/5 DL for sure
I don't get the colors comment....well I mean maybe I get it if you're talking about my sig....anyway thanks for the DL even though it won't really affect you until you get xbl back. If/when you get xbl back, msg me and we'll chill in customs or something.... I'm pretty sure as long as you don't reply "OMGZ THIS IS TEH HAXORZ!!" then it shouldn't be considered spam. And nice pic XD lol I'm glad I've given you this awesome forgegasm experience! But yea thanks for replying man I'm definitely glad about what this map has become, but it's even better when other people approve of it.
dont tell tkowned but ur map is alot better than his he also made a skate park i dont wanna tell him though
Well very nice park tbh. you seem like you have great ideas, and with that out came a UbEr ProZ0r skate map.