I look at the features right now on the front page, and I realize that most ofn them were created by mods, staff, or loyals. I was thinking, "Why don't we have a community featured map page?" Upon further brainstorming, I thought up a cool way to implement it. There would be a big thread devoted to nominations, and the best of the nominations would be included in a poll, and the most voted would be the feature of the week. The mods/staff would get one vote, just like everyone else so that the community would have a bigger role in the choice of the cream of the crop. Tell me what you guys think! Thanks! Mike
This is a very great idea, but the staff should have NO participation in this. However, this may only work if there is a separate forum concerning this, otherwise people may flood one thread and it will be more difficult to publicize your content. If this ever does happen, I'll be looking forward to it.
But then, when a mod's map wins, next thing you know, people will accuse the higher-ups of editing the poll. Seriously though, I direct you to this thread if you feel that only mods/coloreds get the features.
This has been discussed many times before, and it won't work for several reasons. The first is that the community accuses staff of featuring only color member maps. Well, if we had the choice, color member maps will still get featured just as often, and it won't change a thing. Go look in the thread of a colored members map, and you will see they get plenty of comments, all praising it and saying it should be featured. I am not saying the maps are bad, but normal members automatically like it, and normal members ass kiss. Sorry, it's the truth in many cases. Second, it will be like Rep Whoring. A person sends other members private messages, and post comments on their profiles advertising their map, saying "Vote for it" or "You're voting for me right?" and it will end up being a popularity contest anyway. Besides, their have been plenty of recent features of non color member maps. I think the system works fine, and any tweaking to it should remain in the staff. At one point your ideas appealed to me, but now looking at the bigger picture of things, I realize that things are reasonably okay. Sure, some things can be better, and the thread Tex linked I express them, but the idea you proposed won't fix them.
Pardon me, tex, but I didn't do this just to bring light on how mods decide to put their own map forward for featuring. This way the community could choose a good map that they all like to give it a little more light. Everybody is equal in the thread, and just because a moderator's map wins doesn't mean everybody will think they tamper with it. Have you been on Bungie forums a little too much? EDIT- Some good points Sweeney, and I do agree that it would be somewhat of a popularity contest, but I think that the nice Forgehub people are a little more sensible than the people on Bungie forums. There are some nutcases, but they can rest easy. Chances are if they have to ask people to vote for their map it won't be in the polling anyway.
Tex isn't trying to be mean or anything, however, it is the truth. This has been discussed many times before, usually ending the same way, turned down, and there are a number of reasons. 1. Although you'd hate to believe it, many members love to blame the mods and staff when they get a feature, and complain no one normal gets featured. However, if you look at the list of recent features, about half are non-colored members. And a lot of them were regular members when they were featured, but are now premium because they got the feature. 2. This will not work, as it will be very popularity based, and with the rise of spam on FH recently, it just complicates things. 3. As Tex said, there is already a thread for helping a map get featured. Just go there and recommend a map, and it will be looked over and tested by the staff and determined for feature or not. Those would be the main reasons this won't work/isn't needed. I'm sorry to turn down the idea, because a lot of people would like this, but the system is a LOT less flawed than people think. It works fine, and a basic 50-50 ratio of regular member and staff features exists. So at the time, and until something drastically happens affecting this, the idea won't be used...
I don't understand how some members are puzzled at how 'colors' get maps featured more rarely then others. Well first of all look at the name of this site, Forge Hub. A person who is promoted on this site is obviously going to be a professionalized and good map maker,hence the name Forge Hub. And consequently due to the recent complain of the staff being 'corrupt' and what not Insane 54 has made this thread. If you really like a map, and think it deserves a feature then post it in their including your thoughts and feelings of the map. In so proving that the community does in fact have a say in the maps that are featured. Another point that I have yet to come across is this. The staff have earned the responsibility of being one doing whatever task they did to become one. But since they are that rank don't they have the right for Featuring the maps? Unfortunately we don't have much of a say, but I see it fair since we haven't earned a higher rank yet. Though every comment, every PM, everything you do toward a map does make it a bit more popular. If you really think a map deserves a feature along with others, and its being taken away from it, then I say just go for it.
Just as a point of reference, in my time in the Hub Pub I have never seen a Staff, Loyal, or Prem nominate their own map. And in case you wanted to know, the number of suggested Featured Maps by normal members far outweighs that of the suggested ones made by Coloreds right now, and always.
Mike, cool idea! The only problem I could see from this is people who vote multiple times for their own maps.
The problem with your suggestion is that **** all people on here actually download and play a map before commenting on it. So **** all people would download and play a map to vote for it to get featured. And if you really want it to be that way, just go back to B.net. The current system may not be perfect but it's the best at the moment. None of which is the fault of the staff and such, but rather ours for not making our maps as good as they can be. Try making better maps and actually testing them for gameplay before posting them. Hell we even have a fairly large group of people (<---click) willing to dedicate their time and energy to helping you.
Basically op, in the thread Tex linked to you, we already discussed this option. Basically it would first be a popularity contest, and second as Way said, the majority of people don't actually play a map before commenting on it. Honestly, I think this is the problem with features. Most of the people bitching the features suck have never actually played the featured map? So how would you know? There is already a thread to recommend features, the good recommendations get discussed and played and if they are good they get featured. Main way to improve features: improve personal mapmaking skills, learn how to comment on maps and get your own maps featured lol No one is going to complain about their own map feature, or well..most people wouldn't.