Before you start telling me how bad theese are, let me just say: I have NEVER seriously taken screenshots until theese, Think of theese as my first try, then tell me what you think. 'Fireworks' 'Portrait' 'Ghosts of Elite' So tell me what you think of theese (for my first trys).
Yeah, these aren't bad for a noob, especially compared to some of the newer player's screenshots. The brightness of your screens are very strong and these techniques are used often. They're definitely better than my first, however.
the fireworks looks cool cause of the angle. the portrait is a werid lighting effect, way too over done. The third gives a ghost effect that i like a lot. total 4/5...based on your experience
WHADA ****Z!!!1!!!!1 OHHHHHEMMMMMMGEEEEEEEE, those arent that good. i mean there "Okay" for a noob. i remeer taking shots like this and thinking they were the shizit. But that period is over, keep it up. I will tell you this tho, your better than most nubs. keep it up. =] 3/5
Those are pretty good for a beginner. I've never seriously made screenshots before and they're pretty bad. I like them all. Great job, the first one is my favorite one.
Those are okay. I think I would give them 3/5 all. The first one is not really interesting in the background. There are only a few sparks in the foregroung. Try to add more effects and have the Spartan in another position. The second one is way too bright in his face. Get the explosion behind the guy and make it fill the whole screen. The third one is too bright. I needed a few seconds to recognize that there was something in the centre.
I really like the second and third one. The second one that has the glowing armor is really cool because I love those kind of pics.
Thanks for the comments guys. Well, because it was action (and not staged) It was hard to get right. If i moved closer, the effect became less effective, and i could see the backdrop. I was aiming for white light only, but yes, i agree, the elite does need to be more clear. But it was kinda hard =| Thanks anyway.
I think these are pretty beast for a noob. The second one "Portrait" is the only one I would put on my file share or anything though. Keep up the good work!
Fireworks looks the best. I don't like ones that use the FX on the Legendary maps, though, so the other two aren't great in my opinion.
The first 2 were on guardian, the last one was in campiagn. None of the effects were the legendary maps. And yes, i agree with whoever said that 'Portrait' was the best, i also think that.
With the first one, i was trying to get it so that the background was completely dark, so you could just see the spartan and the 'fireworks.' On my T.V it looked o.k, so i kept it. I realise now that it hadn't gone as expected =/
For a n00b And yes, they are, like i have said to people, for example who have said that 'Ghosts of Elite' was to bright, if i made it a little less light, you would be able to see the background, and i was aiming for pure white with light in the middle.
I like the ghost of elite screenshot. Very nice for a beginner (I am one too.. the one's I have posted are my firsts. We should get together some time and take some screens... we can both learn something from each other.