Hello all! I'm relatively new to this community, but have been checking the site from time to time for ideas. Right now I have 3 maps I am currently looking for people to help me with. While some I feel are almost finished, its always good to have another forgers ideas to help you out. Each of these maps I believe bring a unique idea to the table that has not been done before. I spent over 5 hours on each and made sure they are for the most part aesticly pleasing and playable as well. Fly This is a king of the hill variant that takes place on Sandtrap. I had seen videos of the elephant flying on youtube and decided that somehow I would incorperate that into a map. So I did. The hill is on an elephant that is filled with fuision coils and plasma batteries that explode over and over again and make the elephant literally fly. While not on the hill you have 200% speed to allow for easy access to the teleporters that take you to the flying elephant. While on the map you have normal speed though and 50% gravity so it isn't completely impossible to stay on. This is an extremly fun map that will leave you with moments you'll be taking about for days =D. Building This is the map I am most excited about sharing. This is a 3 story map that revolves around close quarter combat. The map takes place exclusively inside the building I built and there are many ways to get to each of the levels. Built on Foundry Attrition This map features two symmetrical bases and is built for objective type games like ctf and assault. The entire map itself is symmetrical and there is a large wall dividing foundry in two. As you move from the main bases there is a large open field with lots of cover for the attackers. Further back is a walled off area with weapons and cover. This is the main chokepoint in this game and there are only two ways to get over. Either through the tunnel or over the wall via man cannon. NOTE: I am not attempting to advertise my maps, simply trying to hook the readers so that they will come help me with my maps. If I do not tell them anything about the maps I want them to look at it is unlikely they will come look at them. Thank you.