wow this is amazing thanks for this fritz your amazing sdrakulich you even went to forge guru to bug fritz about this your trash and obviosly arnt thankful for what you have i have a question how do you turn the boxes upright like they are standing up??
Grammar much? I fixed it up for you, hope that helps you in your English class in fourth grade. As for me being trash and going to ForgeGuru, I would at least expect for him to give his members over there the "special" version, so if you register there you get it, but alas, no. I registered over there; however, I did not do it for the components, yet for a completely different reason. I registered over there to help him out with his boards, seeing as he doesn's have a good forum going over there.
Yet you've only posted once there, and that one post was just you (once again) pestering Fritz about the foundry sketch-up template? hmm... definitely helping the community aren't you...
Great job with the components Fritzer. I downloaded sketchup because of this and I love it. Your components work really well and have helped me come up with some great ideas. I'm currently working on a map that is set up the exact same way as I made on sketchup. I really thank you for this, it is a great help.
Select Window > Components....? I've done this and they are not there. I've opened the components with the program ad still nothing... Is there any other way to do this?
If you are at the Components page, you need to choose "In Model" under the "Select" tab to see the items. You can also click on that little house button while on their. Hope that helps.
Okay, so I downloaded sketchup and it asks for a template. Where do I find this. Heh its probably on the front page and everybodys gonna call me a noob... As for not releasing the textured version... What's his name said it somewhere earlier. It shouldn't be hard to just resize it. And from a writing POV, sketchup is really just a rough draft. Any more than that and it would REPLACE forge. So be thankful guys, c'mon. Good job Fritz, at least, when I get the dang thing to work...
Releasing stuff for free?!? Your making professional animators look bad. I thought of doing something like this on 3ds max or maya, but then realized no one else owned the programs. You get credit for putting up with Sketch long enough to create this. As for all the jackasses complaining about him not releasing the textured verison, how about you contribute a little and max a texture pack and release it yourself.
downloading right now man this is going to be fun and not only am i going to make maps i am going to put my house on google earth
I'm not sure if this has been asked before (I didn't see it), so I'm going to risk getting flamed for re-asking a question. How do you change the heights of objects? I seem to keep spawning bridges below the map or on the ceiling or somewhere in between. I can't ever get it to the height I want. Can someone explain to me how to do this?
This is from Fritzster's ForgeGuru site. IDK if it was wrong for me to put this here since he kind of hates us now.
This is cool, Im going to download and then make some random designs for my halo 3 maps with the sketchup modeling.
These tutorials are great for those who can't quite figure out Sketchup on their own. The move tutorial video in particular I found very helpful in figuring out the quirks in the program.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!! I haven't been able to make very good maps on sketchup because they weren't remotly to scale. THANK YOU ^_^
Lol... this is an original idea. Sorry we never could finish up on it, though. Anybody remember Foundry3D???!?!?!?!?!?