well i want to buy a game but i dont know which i was thinkin Fable 2 Farcry 2 these are in no specific order
I heard that Far cr2 isnt as good as it was suppposed to be unless yo like forgin. hmm IDK it depends on what you like but if you like forging, once again, get far cry 2
Yeah Far Cry 2 is only for its map editor. The rest of it isn't the greatest but I think Fable 2 is supposed to be excellent. I would know if I had a GOD DAMN Xbox to play it on :[ lol jk but I have seen my friend play it.
I heard Fable 2 is a letdown, as the world doesn't change much and after 1-2 playthroughs it is boring. FarCry 2 definitely is not the mother of all games that people made it out to be, but it is definitely a good game. Out of those 2, I would recommend FC2
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