
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Mearm, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Map made by Mearm and Parune. 4-12 players. Use with any gametype.

    This map is quite different from the other maps I have made. This map is made entirely using only covenant weapons. It's different, and that means that there will be different gameplay because of this. You can play this map with any gametype, but to be true to the map's nature, you should set the default weapon to a plasma rifle. I have not made a mode for this, so you won't find anything relating to this map on my file share.
    Weapons on the map include: 4 spikers, 2 plasma pistols, 4 plasma rifles, 2 needlers, 2 brute shots, an energy sword, 2 maulers, 6 carbines and a beam rifle.
    Equipment on the map includes: 10 plasma grenades, 2 spike grenades, 2 bubble shields, a power drain, a regenerator, a grav lift, a radar jammer, a flare, a deployable cover and an overshield.
    There is a chopper on this map, but the chopper only spawns during a symmetric gametype, on all asymetric gametypes, it will be replaced with an overshield.
    Like many of my other maps, this one has symmetrical bases, but the rest of the map is asymetric. Each base contains a needler, a carbine, 2 spikers and a bubble shield. The rest of the weapons and equipment on the map is spread around on the rest of the map.
    The bases are relatively close quarters, but there is alot of cover and some walls to give the bases substance. The outsides of the map are much more open than this, so your carbine will be extremely useful out there.
    This is the defender's side of the map. The weapons on this side of the map are on the attacker's side as well, but with different layout. The beam rifle spawns at the top of the large middle structure, and at the end of the line of boxes. It is a good sniping post, but it is very open, so people can hit you from almost anywhere on the map.
    This is the attacker's side of the map. As you can see, it is much more open than the defender's side. The attacker's side consists of two large structures, while the defender's side consists of 4 small ones. Remember that the middle structure is shared by the two teams, so all of the power weapons will spawn near or on it.
    Now for some Action Shots
    Needle vs. Sword. It's obvious who will win.
    Even though the middle structure is open, it's still a very good sniping spot.
    The sword can counteract the chopper if used correctly.
    The bubble battle.
    And here is another reason why the chopper isn't as useful on this map as you might think.
    Here's a nice little contraption of Parune's. Its an open box you can't go through, but you can throw grenades through or shoot through. He also used this as a floor for the structure it is connected to.

    Parune and I haven't made a map together in a while, it has been mostly just me. I thank him for helping make the map, as well as for the pictures. I really hope that the pictures explaining the weaknesses of the chopper will show that it has its flaws on this map. You can just stick it anyway, and there are fusion coils on the map, it shouldn't be too hard to kill it. If you have any suggestions or comments, please post them. We hope you like the map!

    (I was on the red team, Parune was on the blue team.)

    Here is a link to the map:
  2. Sgtkillstuff

    Sgtkillstuff Ancient
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    I love the open box idea were you can throw grenades through and the merging is great. The only thing I would suggest is adding a little more to the bases they look kind of empty. 4/5
  3. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    I will consider your suggestion, I already have ideas on how to spice the bases up a bit.
  4. The Boris Way

    The Boris Way Ancient
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    Oh yeah, first comment is about my contraption, I knew it would a be a new fad.

    Anyways, it was fun playing on this map, mainly because of the chopper. The chopper puts all the uniqueness and excitment into the map, instead of just having some weapons and equipment. My favorite part about this map was the middle structure, it was very well forged and it sort of looked like it was related to the original foundry map.

    Also, since Mearm didnt point it out, I made the structure with the stairs on the defenders side along with the tower farthest from the bases on the defenders side.
    My rating of this map would be 5/5 cause I honestly cant come up with ways that could improve gameplay on this map. Mabey you could improve the look, but thats bull shiz.
  5. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    This map has a layout just as good as fondry the only problem I can think where this map needs improvement is aesthetics. I think there are plenty of cover areas in the map just try to make it more aesthetic pleasing such as custom powerups in walls and barrels etc.

    Looks good though I like these kinds of maps
  6. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    See, I told you they would like it.
    Thanks though, it took 2 trys to get it right, but the middle structure turned out pretty good.
    And how do I improve on the look? We'll discuss this later.

    I don't really like the powerups in walls, they never really appealed to me. I'm glad you thought that there was enough cover, I was thinking there wasn't enough, and I was kinda worried. As for the aesthetics, I might add teleporters in the boxes or something with weapons holders, I can add barrels easy too.
  7. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Looking closer in one of the pictures I see that the far back part of foundry in the left is kind of boring or not busy there is not a lot going back there perhaps making some kind of tower with fusion coils to prevent camping
  8. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I know a good map when I see one, and I believe this is one of them. Map is great for gameplay, and the objects are placed beautifully. The ONLY problem I have with this map is the weapon placement. They could use better interlocking (joke). The placement of the weapons could be better, and the chopper looks like it'll have a hard time in the map.

  9. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Yea the bases are kinda bland, I will definately fix it if I make a V2. I'll probably add a grav lift in the little gap between the wall and the fence floor structure in the back.

    What's wrong with the weapon placement?
  10. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    Wow looks like a gem. I really like how you maintained some of the default foundry's geometry, but turned it into a brand-spankin new map. Beautiful merges and interlocks, and a definite DL. 5/5
  11. Mearm

    Mearm Ancient
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    Please add more to your post, right now it's spam. And it's supposed to be a bit empty because it forces you to rely on your long range weapons more than the close quarters ones.
    #11 Mearm, Dec 2, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008

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