
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Camoflaug, Dec 2, 2008.

  1. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    Created by: Camoflaug

    Recommended players: 4-6 players

    supported gametypes: One-Flag,Team Slayer,Oddball

    People of forgeHub, I Gladly give you my lastest forge creation "FrameWork". FrameWork is a asymetrical 2v2, 3v3 team slayer variant map.
    It`s original layout gives framework unique and timeless gameplay. With a variety of 3 gametypes FrameWork gives a large range of options and strategy to out play your oponents. FrameWork`s Fullness makes it hard to beleive it isnt budget glitched. With well planned structures and of course some beautiful asthetics, FrameWork is truely one of a kind.

    As i said FrameWork is a 2v2, 3v3 map. While only blocking off one back room FrameWork feels very spacious and well rounded.FrameWork is shaped in a "U" formation with a off centered middle surrounded by 2 high post structures providing a sense of advantage but still maintaining fair gameplay for the low ground.The "U" formation surronding the middle of the map acts as defending posts and repels the enemy from scoring the flag.

    Map control and team work is the key to victory and the strategic will prevail. Having Weapon control and a sense of the maps layout will help you out play your opponents making you one step closer to victory.Gameplay is generally fast at the beginning and canget very intense when it comes to defending
    you teams flags.The use of the lifts leading up to the high posts in the middle adds a sense of originallity to my map.You will always find u throwing that satisfying frag grenade from above killing the flag carrier. Or beating down your opponent with your flag when he flys up the lift.Gameplay is very iintense and very unexpecting never knowing what kind of exciting game you will play next on FrameWork.

    Weapons and Equipment

    Rocket Launcher(1)
    Sniper Rifle(2)
    Battle Rifle(6)
    Plasma Rifle(2)
    Plasma Pistol(1)
    Power Drainer(1)
    Plasma Grenade(4)
    Frag grenade(4)

    So as of further adue i give you FrameWork!
    Thanks to Bl00D F1R3 for the video.
    #1 Camoflaug, Dec 2, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2008
  2. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Grats on such an amazing map dude its simply beautiful. The amount of cover and high ground low ground structures make the gameplay so intense and different. i love the weapon placement and the lifts you created up to the high posts leading towards the back base. it adds a interesting play out in every game we play.
  3. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    dude, you have a very natural thing for layouts that flow very smoothly. im ultra impressed and i have a great feeling about this map in the future. Additionally, the post matches the map. its very neatly written and divided up.

    Congrats on the awesome map, ill be back with a gameplay review.
  4. monkee7

    monkee7 Ancient
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    wow this map is amazing! i love the lifts that bring you to the high posts, the interlocking is neat and the weapon layout and gameplay are great! 10/10! i qeued(?) before i even wrote this!
  5. Resix

    Resix Ancient
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    ok i played this many times wit hsdrak and i have got to say that this map is freaking awesome. i love playing on it. This map seriously deserves a feature

    Oh and By the way me and sdrak broke the map idk if you fixed it though

    xXECWFIENDXx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this map is absolutely excellent. Definitely one of my new favorites (and my friends love it too). Do I smell a feature?
    #6 xXECWFIENDXx, Dec 2, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2008
  7. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    That's your own defecation that you're breathing there. =D

    lol, just kidding. The map is great, but the design is just absolutely superb. It's very interesting that you managed to pull this off without budget-glitching. The cover looks very fairly spread out, high points given only stringent benefits to low ground, and the flow has a natural bend to it. I'll need to play this out for a full review, of course, but the gameplay looks great already.
  8. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    You have a great gift of forging man. This is even better than Sewage Lines! I like the layout a lot and the gameplay is epic. I really really cannot wait to play this when I play my Xbox. Keep up the good work. BTW, super sexy merging skills. 10/5. GREAT JOB.
  9. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    Ive played a game on it, and the spawns were a little iffy to me. Nothing huge, but they didnt excite me. The weapons set feels a little bland, as in it either needs something, or there needs to be more of whats there. gameplay was moderate speed, alot of blindsides. Sniping was a big deal in the gameplay factor as well.

    As for the design, there are minor things i wouldve done differently [such as the fencewall tilted for a jump up to the sniper window]. theres a few little things here and there, but ultimately, it wasnt bad at all. Id like to see a version 2 from you.
  10. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    come on this is great one of the best forged maps 5/5 in this map the weapon layout is perfect, i love how there are low and tall structures in this map
  11. drak

    drak Ancient
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    This is the most epic 2v2 CTF one flag map, download it now. As for me, im off to school.

    No joke, the forging world has never seen a better one flag map. Ever.
  12. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    This looks like a lot of fun, good cover, good gameplay, the works ya know. The aesthetics look awesome, ramps and bridges interlocked seamlessly. Great job, maybe get featured.
    Gooj Gob 5/5
  13. Camoflaug

    Camoflaug Ancient
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    Yea the spawns can do that but as you can see ( If u were playing one flag) i only had 2 major spawn areas for attackers and defenders so it was a bit difficult to make them as good as they are. As for the weapon placement im pretty confident that it fits the map. in my honest opinion i think the snipers make the map more well rounded. There very helpful in games. if you didnt play one flag i suggest you do cause its my best game variant. Thanks for your wonderful feed back silence. i always like a review from you.
  14. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    and yet another b...e...a...utiful creation by camo. anyways the aesthetics as i mentioned are amazing and original but i wonder if that affects gameplay if im wrong than no suprise if you go crimson for this. but there is one thing you should fix though and that is the red teams base and it seems like it may take a while to grab the flag seeing you have to jump to numerous places.
  15. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    This map has some great aesthetic structures and very nice interlocking and geo-merging. The lifts work great as well. It seemed to me that there was no reason to go the the southwest corner of the map, because there are no weapons there except for a BR. It does have some high ground, but not enough to make it a huge control area. The bottom has nothing... I know there are spawns there, but IMO you should put something there so that it is included in gameplay. Maybe an OS or possible a shotgun? Just something to make it a more traveled area. 8/10. A nice map.
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    basically, what he said ^^

    I didnt mean i dont like the current weapon set, i just think it needs more. It could be because im a CQB guy, and i patrol the lower areas, looking for a fight rather that jumping the skies waiting to be picked off. Down on the ground floor, there was basically nothing, and the area he describes with only a battle rifle is where i spent a good deal of my time. I dont know why i went there, but i usually ended up there despite knowing there was nothing of interest there.
  17. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    I remember playing on this map at like 2am with you,Bl00d and sdrak.The map played well and i got killed a lot on the map only because i was starring at this wonderful piece of work.I remember i dominated at one flag.Very nice and impressive map
  18. Awkward Silence

    Awkward Silence Ancient
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    Daaaaaaaaaaamnn. Alright. Most certainly queued. I already love what you did with the bridges in the second picture. I will be back with a gameplay review in a bit.
  19. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    Wow... most time after seeing a map with such few pics i would complain.... but wow.... the map combines an extraordinary amount of cover with plenty of space to manuever... the jumps are great... but maybe more slopes would have helped for a better opratable high ground... the high ground low ground advantage is great.. because the bases arent high ground so asuming high ground is sort of a defensive manuever and an offensive... nice...

    Playability- 8.9/10 the amount of space to move is great... and i completely realize that more slopes would distort the veiw across the map... but the map combines an urban and a sort of nonurban feel... I like how the map itself flows for shooting... which i no im contradicting... but its a double edged sword (if thats what the saying is lol) i like how the weapons are spread out well and gives ppl a constant i need to go here or here feel... nice job on this part...

    Aesthetically- 10/10 the definition is how something appeals to the senses... and this does it... i would have liked to see two horizontal on the crossing on both side... (pic #5 shows where im talking about).... but the bridge walkways are always a nice touch to me... and the way the walls where incorprated to look good and to help gameplay was great...

    Layout- 10/10 well layout ATOUNDED me I pretty sure ive been reving about it in this post but oh well... the amout of angles got out of the 90 degree foundry but kept it simple... the high ground low ground was great... a constant pain for attackers and an additive for the defenders... the weapons were well located, and the map itself flows much better than most maps... over all the layout was great in everyway... and if u gave up forging w/ Solo and tksxMonster and JEEF for this I can see why this is great not ragging on theres.. it also is well made.. but this is great...

    Overall- 5/5 this map conbines some lacking aspects of maps... that most ppl overuse or dont use... the flow is great the interlocking is smooth and accurate and the gameplay works well... nice job on this map and i hope to see more maps out soon :) if were lucky RIGHT RIGHT??? okay no im done lol....

    sniper is a bit of a power weapon tho.... hope to see a V.2 w/ more slopes and such and less jumps... and a little work on some of the spawns...
  20. FrickHorse

    FrickHorse Ancient
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    This needs to be featured, what a great map. Buttery smooth merging and a cool design.

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