I like Plug-in's, reynbow's, and Zombisteve's. I am not able to view driscoll's atm but I will in a little
I hope it's not too late to submit an entry. I just stumbled upon this thread and made something for it really fast.
Whoever actually puts it up will choose, but your votes may sway a decision. And it's not too late, till someone actually does it.
It is really nice, but at the same time I really like alot of others, it will be up to whoever (probably Lionheart) to chose one or a few.
What about just putting all of them on and having it on like a randomizer on which one shows up when you go to the 404 page?
No, that would be stupid. I mean, putting each one on a separate 404 page, naming them like 404-1,404-2,404-1, etc., and then setting up a script so that whenever a person gets a 404 error, it randomly chooses which page it redirects them to.