Tofurkey Shoot

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Morphine, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Tofurkey Shoot

    For those of you who don't know of the delicious thanksgiving day feast alternative, here it is in all it's glory. It's the vegan/vegetarian solution to the turkey.

    I made this map for a thanksgiving themed mini game building competition at People seem to like it so I guess I'll post it over here...


    Players: 4+

    Map Download

    Gametype Download

    So here is the premise for this map. The Tofurkeys are on the loose and must be shot down otherwise you and you're fellow colonists will starve to death this winter. However the Tofurkeys very much enjoy being alive and do everything in their power to escape.

    The game plays out as follows, Tofurkeys launch themselves out of this cannon


    Their goal is to head towards a giant floating target in the sky. Their goal is to jump while spawning in order to maneuver themselves towards the center of the target.


    The way the scoring works is as follows:
    Center: 25 Points
    Middle Ring: 10 Points
    Outer Ring: 5 Points

    The way I setup the scoring system is with a KoTH game type, when a player goes through the center they come out at the highest teleporter, scoring the most points in the hill before they die.


    There is of course shooting involved in this game and that's where the defenders come in. As this game is one sided the other team works to shoot down the flying tofurkeys before they hit the target and score points.


    The rounds in this game are very short only 60 seconds for each of them. 6 rounds in total.

    Well that's basically it, have fun and any criticism is welcome.
  2. xLMSxTRiLoGY

    xLMSxTRiLoGY Ancient
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    I like the originality of this map, although it may look like duck hunt i like the idea of people scoring through different teleporter channels and hill positions. The aesthetics the map are great too. 5/5
  3. Destroying ace

    Destroying ace Ancient
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    amazing map. Duck hunting fans will really enjoy this map. And the turkeys are not only trying to survive but they are also aiming for a target too. Very clever! 5/5
  4. HWC ozzie

    HWC ozzie Ancient
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    When I saw this, the name for the map, I was like, "Oh No! Another person just copying DUCK HUNT." Then when I started reading and looking at the photos, its just an amazing add on to it in a way. You basically shoot turkeys, and instead of the turkeys-ducks, having nothing to do besides try and live, they can go through a dart board and score points in the Hill. Thats and amazing idea. Nobody, well that I believe, has ever made this map, or thought of making a map similar to this one. This is simply perfection. This would be so much fun with like a party of 8. Which I believe was the max for the party. SHOOT THOSE TURKEYS! Haha, oppps, Tofurkey Shoot. An amazing map sir. Great Job.
  5. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    its the vegetarian alternative to duck hunt :p the target is very well made as is the cannon however i would like it if the tofureky ( lol that was so fun to type) had some way to defend themselves like a flare our a regenerator still a good map but it feels a little to much like duck hunt and that is definitely not a bad thing
    a 4/5
  6. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    The point system is awesome! I never would have thought of that! all-around amazing! 215654/215654
  7. ChaoticF34r

    ChaoticF34r Ancient
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    Awesome map idea! You know, I thought it was something like Duck Hunt, but it was so different. The defenders bunker is beautifully crafted, and likewise the scoring system and the portal thingies are amazing. In a usually awesome map, I would say keep it up. But know, I feel the right thing to say would be...


    Yeah thats about it.
  8. SoLo92

    SoLo92 Ancient
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    this is freaking amazing. i love the target system. the scoring system in so awesome! great job. 10/10, major DL. it would also be cool to have just the tofurkies, and not the colonist guys.
    btw, im a vegitarian but i dont eat tofu
  9. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
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    This may be the most fun mini game map I've ever seen on Standoff. Great work on the map layout. A point system in a Duck Hunt scenerio is very original (I seriously never would have thought of that...). My only complaint would be that BRs should be used instead of carbines, because I don't think the carbines will be accurate enough to get a good amount of hits. Still this map deserves a 5/5. Great job on the map and gameplay!
  10. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    wow what I love about this map is that it is fun for a long time. Other mini game maps are fun for a little bit. That my opionion. Anyway the map is extremly good and has great athsetics. I love the star thingy in the sky. 5/5
  11. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Thanks for all the positive feedback everyone.

    Actually this game can handle 16 players.

    While I agree that it is easier to get head shots with the battle rifle (especially when your target is facing the other direction). The game is set up similar to a swat style health system. The difficultly with the carbines sort of balances out the game so there is nearly a 50% chance of getting killed, when playing against an average skilled player. But if you believe that it's would be better with the BR feel free to change it.
  12. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    Wow the scoring thing is original. I have never seen a dartboard- like scoring system. Looks like a good map and i will definately check it out even though im not usually a big fan of minigames/ anything non- competitive.
  13. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    I really like the originality of this map. Sweet scoring system! I love the target. This definantly adds to duck hunt. Love the name too. Tofurkey is full of originality. Great job. 5/5
  14. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    I had tofurkey this Thanksgiving. And I am glad to see that I will finally be able to shoot the tofurkeys as the tofurker farmers do. Thank you for this festive mini game.
  15. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Awesome and very original! At first I thought, oh noez it's a copy of my favorite map "Duck Hunt!" But reading further on I found out that it wasn't. This looks great and I love the scoring system! Definately one of the best mini game maps I have ever seen on Standoff. This stands 3rd on my list with Duck Hunt at first and Jenga Tower taking 2nd. 5/5 stars!
  16. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I love the ingenuity of the scoring system and the overall premise of the game. It's kinda like playing darts, except the audience can deflect your dart mid-air/kill you.

    Maybe an actual version of darts for Halo 3 would be a cool idea, hmmmmmmm.

    Wow, infact yeah, you could have the score be up to 520 (or whatever it is in darts) and then have different areas of the "Board" give different points using your scoring mechanism. The only difficulty would be making the scoring points on the "Board" similar enough to it's real life counter-part, certainly worth a try though.
  17. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I think this is one of those scenarios where replicating real life isn't necessarily the best thing for game play. It would be nearly impossible to get enough teleporters to create a fully functional dart board. I have basically used all of the teleporters already in the current design so coming up with something more elaborate is a bit out of the question. Not to mention, you would need to figure out some sort of trigger which allowed 3 lauches for each player then switched.
  18. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    This is a really good map. I love the idea of this map and I am definitly downloading this. must have taken a lot of work and a definite 5/5
  19. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    i really like how you put the average duck hunt theme to a new level, butr i have a few questions..
    When the tks go through the teleporters, dont they get shot out of the nodes? as in, with velocity? ill DL and see if I can get more info on that 5/5 for originality.
  20. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Yes they do get shot out but the receiver nodes are right next to the invisible wall that goes around the level. It keeps them in the hill.

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