SKID ROW "Welcome to the streets, where every rat in town is hiding behind the walls, ready to take your life when you least expect it." I know a lot of players, as well as myself, love urban maps and many people request small team maps. So, it is my pleasure to present my hard work to you all. Skid Row is a conventional multiplayer, urban type map, created to give it everything it needs to be playable in a variety of gametypes. Its intended for small FFA skirmishes and Team objective games. Not a fan of the serious side of gaming? I always felt an urban map was great for INFECTION. [Click to Download] Take a look at a few pictures below, or if you really want a tour, view the video. [youtube][/youtube] (Theres no music in the video, seeing as how I don't know you or your musical taste.) Please Vote on Bungie, but more importantly... ENJOY! (BTW, Does this forum have spoiler tags? >_<)
Whoa dude this looks sooo cool! I am downloading this! But really I was about to skip over this awesome undiscovered post because the name really doesn't catch on. This map looks great, but I think you should give it a more deserving name, Skid Row just doesn't seem to work. - Brute Captain EDIT: THe link is not working for me. - Brute Captain
good urban feel personally, i think that instead of using teleporters to get up to that building in the corner, make a way for players to jump from the inside or something then again, I just dont like teleporters
Skid Row.... like the band? 18 and Life baby... Anyhoo, map looks great! Very nice use of merging objects! DL after i get some other junk cleaned off my 360.
Looks good, I'll download it and give it a go. Peace // gorebound EDIT: The link doesn't work, please fix it so we can find out if it's any good.
You gotta fix the link bro. Right now you have to delete the extra "http" in the link to be able to get to the map. Hook us up with a good link!
I fixed your link, downloaded your map, and gave it a five star because it looks friggin sweet. All in a days work.
I <3 you! I came on and read some replys and said "Oh crap! The link doesnt work?!" After I read your post I was pretty relieved. Thanks for that. Really happy I'm getting some nice responses. Umm lets see, - About the teleporter sniper area: I can't really do anything. The map is at its limit. (And thats with the inf. budget glitch used. O_O) Don't worry though. While making the map I did see a defect with the teleporters. Honestly, in regular games, a coordinated grenade throw will easily deal with the sniper. However, in a zombie game you can use the ledge on the side of the building to strike the guy without them knowing what hit em. -The name of the map came from a movie with this talking plant( I forgot the name). I just remember the town singing about living in Skid Row during the movie. So thats where that came from. I kind of agree about changing it, but I'm so fed up with working on the map at this point. Foundry has this nasty ability to screw up gametype settings when you modify it or save it or something. >_< I appologize, but Im just going to leave it alone. Again, I really thank you all for the nice replys. And thanks again to Nitrous. =D
Ok, so I played your map and here is what I think. It is a great little Urban map, I loved the secret area behind the wooden pallet. But, this map could be much better if you updated it with the current forge techniques. Really the main issue are those noticeable bumps, you should really use quite a bit of interlocking. Other than that it was fun, although it doesn't support large to medium parties. - Brute Captain
This map looks pretty nice, but I can tell that there are some "stub your tub" places and it doesn't seem to flow as a whole map. I don't like the ghost location, the teleporter, and a couple items that just seem out of place. I will say that I really like how bright your screenshots are. This map has potential, and I am hoping for a version 2.
I just got done looking at this map. It has some bumpy parts where you stub your feet. Actually a little too many. The map looks nice however. PS. I think I found your little secret if you meant to have one. The Turret upside down. I was like "Hey what are you doing up here?" I try to grab it, it says inopperable turret. As I am falling I grab a Hog turret and glitch through the map. Except you cannot get back through. There are 4 vehicles back there!
by the way is the whole street made out of bridges because i saw a big open space showing the floor on a few pics.