Should I sell an xbox: -Has been RRoD (however, recently fixed, and has not been used since repairs) -No controller -No Harddrive -Includes Memory Card -No games -Includes Cables I am thinking around $100 dollars or $110.
Probably not. I remember I had bought I brand new Gamecube, back in like, 2004 or so. It was in great condition and all, but I ended up selling it when I got the 360. So it was only a few months old, perfect condition and with like 15 games, and a controller. I got $15 for the system, and maybe $40 with all the games... So around $55 dollars for what was what, $200? So Idk, having had RROD, it might not sell as high, maybe include a game or two you never play anymore, to up the pricing...
His idea wasn't dumb. You didn't give him suffice information for him to give you the best advice. Just GTFO.
If I wanted stupid in my thread the title would have been IcedFaguccino. but just to be stubborn, your idea is wrong. I just didn't give enough information. actually now that I look at it, it could've went both ways. To a store, or to a person. And now, since well, we've established that selling to a store is out of the question, i'm asking as if I were selling to a friend.
Well how would I have known it was to a friend? You just said, "Selling", so I assumed a store, where they take it for a lot less money that it is worth and all, so I suggested that, which isn't a stupid idea for a store. Well if it is to a friend, then sure, charge him $100 or so. I wouldn't go lower than that, if anything, maybe up to $120... Next time be more specific then in what you are doing....
stores are stupid. anyway i worded it wrong i suppose so my post came out harsher than it should have been. mah bad.
And the lesser man resorts to insults to try and redeem himself. You are showing your true character. I hope that when you sell your xbox, you leave these forums for good. Offtopic: You don't have to tab down everytime you want to make a new sentence.
jesus **** shut up faggucino i will enter when ever the **** i w a n t ok enter e n t er **** YOU. you told me to gtfo. I told you to go **** yourself. case is closed. leave the thread or continue in pm. brb. btw: does those double games (the game included Forza2/Marvel) sellable to a store? is it worth selling?
Okay lets see now. All of the components, including controllers, $200. Minus controllers, $125 ish. Without hard drive as well, $100. I'm not the greatest at bargaining and **** like that but I'd say around $100.
I dunno, I bought one for 16$ off of Ebay, so it's probably more of a hassle to sell it than it's worth. Also, looking at Gamestop, they sell them for 12$/10$ separately, so you'd get like 5$ for both, maybe 10$ at most from a decent game shop.
$115 with the gold membership. theres no way to tell it had RROD and has been repaired unless told. [if microsoft were the repairers.]
Depends.... you might get a good sum of money on ebay. Start the bid at $100 and you might be able to get $150. I know that I sold my gamecube, PS2, And original xbox with games for each. i got about $120.00 for each one.