I haven't seen anyone do damnation so I went ahead and took it upon myself. I think its pretty well done. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15437481
I updated it again with a bunch of maps. If there are maps there with less than 100 downloads its because it was recently updated and the older version had over 100 or it was the only remake for that map that I found. And I will go through them all today and list my personal favorites for each one. Is that what you meant Lance?
Sorta. I meant put a numerical grade: for instance, after testing blah&blah's Lockout remake, you would give it a 9/10. That way, people can know instantly which map to download for the best reenactments. =)
Very detailed Sidewinder remake with lots of pics! http://www.forgehub.com/home/index.php?topic=678.0
I found a really accurate midship from the screenshot i have it queued. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15433788
From the look of the screenshots this is the most accurate lockout, it is so detailed that it has the camping slant things above the green room. Check it out http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15452935 No double posts. -Lance
I saw that midship as well and downloaded it, and I will try that lockout as well. I think I am going to change the first post. Instead of posting all of the remakes with 100+ dls I will just post the most accurate one. Does anyone disagree with that? If it is close between two then I would keep them both, but I don't think that should happen.
I don't know if this would be classified as a remake, as my brother and I didn't try to recreate the map exactly. Anybody who plays it will realize that it has a very similar layout to Lockout, but we really did our own thing as far as the bases were concerned. We tried to interconnect everything, so there is always a way to get from one place to another. you'll definitely see similarities, but there are a lot of differences as well. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=JoKing117 http://www.flickr.com/photos/21880842@N02/?saved=1
Lance was that a double post, it was one post after another revolving a different map. If that is not allowed tell me. I redid that midship one where there is a shotgun on a weapon holder with 3 grav lifts around it then you have the old layout on both sides where one side is grav lift the other side is BR. then above that there is one sniper and one BR. And the other two non base sides both have 2 carbines, this way there are 4 BRs, 4 Carbines, one sword, one shotgun, and one sniper. There are also lots of plasma pistols and grenades and if you want you can set it up in custom game to start all plasma, but i like this way with more long range and close range. The creator of the map set it up almost identical as the old one and i just cleaned it up IMO and fixed some spawn points for all gametypes. He also made it where there is overshield and invis. which i didn't change. If you want the new one i can post it and credit the landscaping all to him since i did minor changes. Edit, so I dont double post Lance : Here is a guys' file share, he doesnt have any threads or pictures but he recreated 19 maps and they all have really good ratings, which makes it fishy to me but someone should check em out.
I'm so glad I found this post... No gephyrophobia? I know that narrows it it in spirit, but still... I miss it.
It doesn't have over 100 downloads, but i'm sure it will be worth your time http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=15600859
I have updated the first post with what I feel are the best maps. Click on the map name to get to the download screen. The ones with a star next to it link to someones fileshare (because they made a map pack). Therefore I do not know the actual maker, and if you do please say who it is here.
I updated the Warlock and Boarding Action, found the real creators of some maps, and added a Headlong.