:Recon 03: *Update*-The weapon/item issue is now delt with, so check it out. Download :: Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Description-This map was designed for team based games like red vs blue team slayer, CTF, or custom games based on team gameplay (weapon swaps). The map is basically divided into two sections with each team owning a base. Each base consists of spawn points and weapons for the teams to get ready for battle as well as an upper floor for teams to gain advantage over their enemies. Sometime during the fight a bridge will spawn between the two bases, allowing for easier access to the upper levels. There are also 3 vehicles for each team (warthog, mongoose, ghost) to spice things up a bit, and hopefully to make players work together to take them out. Altogether, this map hopes to give full on carnage and awesome gameplay for the player. Detail Pictures of Bases and surrounding area. Thanks guys for checking out this map. Please Rate...
ohh, and urban map. these usually dont turn out particularily fantastic, but i like the looks of this. ill download and get back to you on how it plays. one of the things i see could be wrong however, are that the sniper and rocket seem real close, and if someone knew where both were, then he could seriously dominate.
nice map looks good, nive interlocking and the likes, but hey i have to ask what is that thing in the floor? map looks like a one of a kind, i seen things like it before but not any thing close to like this.
nice job. the maps seems pretty good. kinda open in some places but if it wasnt then you wouldnt be able to drive i guess. a lot of the structures look well made. i think that thier might be too many weapons for the size of this map. it kinda reminds me of rats nest but smaller. over all 10/10
Great map and excellent post! Your map is beautifully forged and doesn't need any structural change that could make it any better! However your weapon/equipment placement is not so great.. I saw in one pick a active camo right over top of a shotgun i believe it looks like in the geomerged box right below it. Also i don't mind sheild doors but you may get flamed about them being there. I'm sure it's to keep vehicles from dominating everything and so that one may find shelter in a house away from them. So just work on the weapon placement for a V2 or something and you my firend will have a great map! I think this is a wonderful map however i already have 8/8 qued for download since this community has been producing so many masterpieces lately. I'll download as soon as my que is empty be a sure! I expect great things from you! Keep Forging! P.S. + Rep
From this map i can see you have great forging skills.The middle/central area turned out to be very nice but going more towards the outside,it looks decent.When i saw this map i knew it was an urban fell map but this map doesn't remind me of all the other urban maps which is a great thing.Your skills are great but you should use all the creativity you have to make the best possibly map you can make.Great post and nice map.
The merging looks great! The only problem is the weapon placement. I think I see firebomb grenades ,a shotgun, and an active camo all next to each other. If you fix this the map would be great. 4.5/5
lol red, its part of the active camo,lol. the first pic made me think you were new cause it looks like a desposable camera, distorted colors, yeah. nice urban look but the main thing is that the rocket and sniper spawn seem too close too many power weapons, too close, isnt good.
The map is well made, though I think you could seperate it more and open it up. Don't get mad, just listen. Maps where you feel enclosed can be aesthenically boring as well as boring gameplay. The two gint bases are what I'm talking about. If you would make them not as closed in, with more ways in and out; it would be a lot better. It is well made though, you clearly know all of the forging 101 strategies. Another thing you could improve on is the shitload of power weapons you have. I see a sniper, lazer, rocket, sword, shotgun(I think) and firebomb grenades. There are going to be a lot of critical points, which will mean everyone will be spread out fighting for multiple weapons. Perha[s not even fighting. This is important on a map like this because of the way it's made. I'm not telling you it's a bad map; because that would be bullshit. Posting on a map is to help th creator, which I'm trying to do. I hope you take these things into consideration.
LOL thats the bit on the camo XD thast hilarious Nice map man, the interlocking isn't perfect but it still looks really good, the merging is perfect tho, and the layout looks good! Maybe make it clearer where you are taking the pictures from (redeyesmaster LOL thats quotable) 4.5/4.8!
theres no big awesome structures,and no really unique and incredible interlocks and eomerges that real stand out.If I may say theres to many power weapons for it to work properly.Will have to download and see.3/5
Looks good, I love the urban feel. Most people, that I know, don't like urban maps, but I just can't get enough of em. Your first pic was pretty good and showed some good aesethtics but the rest, bahh. ANYway, good job on the post, and good map. 4/5