I totally beat that guy. I once started playing xbox around 4:30pm on christmas eve. took a small 30 min break at 11:30pm and after that I played nonstop Gears of War and Halo 2 ALL christmas morning all the way till 3:30am the next day. that should be about 30 something hours i believe, right? You do the math. P.S. that was the first time I ever played Xbox Live in my life P.S.S. It ****ed up my cd-rom drive due to too much spinning and overheatness.
I saw this as the yahoo headline. It is completely ridiculous that anyone would be playing video games over 10 hours. I've done that before and felt like jello afterwards. I can't even imagine playing twice that. Sucks for his parents tough, and he probably won't be playing many video games anymore.
This ultimately proves that this boy has no life. I mean, seriously, I've done a couple all-nighters, but 24 hours staight is way too much.
i bet he just fell asleep er something and the media is all, "video games are horrible!" i mean if they say its cuz he wasnt eating/drinking that doent matter. u can go 3days without drinking and 3 weeks without eating (its true but dont try it!). so he just needed a nap really....
i could see lack of sleep, but lack of food? seriously he played for 20 hours but couldint pick up a ****ing paistry?
I have never played the game, I don't really want to. It seems like the kind of game that kids would do that on. Plus it's on the computer, which doesn't really appeal to me. Also... WHAT A NERD!
oh wait i have 1 more thing to say to this kid GET OFF YOUR LAZY ASS OFF THE COMPUTER AND EAT A DAM DANISH!