I apolagise in advance to the guy who made the concert stage I dont mean to upstage you or cause you any anger as I made this map a while ago and have only just joined here. Originally I wondered what map hadnt been done and my conclusion was simple a festival with concert stage. so I made this complete with 3 screens to give a better festival impression, a raised dance floor, tents 2 portaloos a suvenoir stand and a few behind the stage things. It actually took a while to perfect this map due to having to improvise instruments to put on stage even having to use a weapons holder for a symbol on the drumkit, using other weapons and bits to try and represent other instruments. my best achievement was the huge speakers either side of the stage which took most of my time (around half hour a speaker to perfect) This map is playable but not perfected as it needs bases setting and such which I havent got round too. Theres a backstage area that you can get too eiter by going trough the gap in the security fence and round the stage or through the side door on the right, behind the stage aswell as the manditory additional instrument parts is a parking area where vehicles are parked out the back Download map and again due to how the map was made its hard to get a full overview but heres the main stage shot behind out of shot are portaloos and tents also a stand for collectibles and memorabelia
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) MY favourite part is those massive speakers I would never have thought to do something like that.
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) this in awesome map but you really should change the title so its only "Halostock" and remove (a full festival map)
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) I like the idea of having this based off Woodstock. both my parents went to Woodstock for one of the days and my dad even has a tee-shirt from it. Also, because its in Foundry, it looks more like the actual Woodstock celebration, although,it also would be pretty cool if you could reconstruct it in Stand Off
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) see I thought about that but the lack of wall pieces did me in and the slightly uneven ground throws the stage off a bit, I'll have another try at it but I think standoffs restrictions on parts might be a problem
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) I like the massive speakers, but I suggest using some interlocking on the fence, because it seems kind of crooked.
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) its designed to be lol, as its meant to be after fans broke the fence at the sides to rush the stage hence the sections of downed fence
Re: Halostock (a full festival map) now i can play halo 3 with my guitar hero 3 controller and not look so stupid
Ive seen another go at a stage build but this one is far better especially the giant speakers. Want a pictutre of the other stuff you described.
Ill have to try and get some more shots for you to show the other bits. Glad you like the little touches added. (sorry Im so late replying to you guys I didnt notice the comments )
Hey, dumbass, it was posted more than half a year ago. Maybe he doesn't want to. Anyway, great map, it lacks interlocking, which is okay, since it was made WAY back then. I love the huge speakers, and the stage looks pretty good, so, overall, 4/5...and chao365, STOP NECRO POSTING!!!