Fatkid reborn! As you can probably tell, that last sentence probably tipped you off that this map & game was inspired by "Fatkid." Game varient "Chunky Lane" is recommended for this map. In Chunky Kid, you try to get to the end with swords & whatever else you have. Made by Nicksternater. Sorry for such a long post. Enjoy! Chunky Kid Differences : - Zombie jumps normal -Zombie has full vehicle use -Alpha Zombie has full vehicle use - Humans primary weapon is the Energy Sword - Humans secondary weapon is random - Zombies may pick up weapons - Humans don't have infinate ammo Zombies spawn here. Humans spawn here. Rockets are best for this part. But there are other ways also. After you jump over the door thats when your noggin comes in. Do you know what to do now? (Close closely at this pic) When you go threw the teleporter there will be a lift. (Wink) Turret Base 1 Turret Base 2 Download "Chunky Kid!" Download "Chunky Lane!"
looks pretty cool. its like a cross between fat kid and the omega-jeorneys. i love fatkid maps though!. humas spawn with sword and something else? interesting. i wouldnt have made the zombies able to pic up weapons cuz a zombie with rockets can infect a lot of people at one time and thats kinda wierd cuz zombies are usually weaker. gametype=3/5 map=5/5
This map reminds me of the omega journey map.I see you have some changes in your gametype which might make the game play out differently.If you had interlocked some things it would have mad the map play smoother.The map looks decent and fun,and thats all that matters.Nice job on this one
I have never been a huge fan of the fat kid maps, so I don't want to be biased in my rating, but this does look like it is a good fat kid map, based on the others I have seen. (and been forced to play)
I really don't like Fat Kid Maps at all, but as long as you don't have any needlers, it may be allright. I have one question though, if the zombies and stuff can pick up weapons, isn't it more of a fast-paced fat kid? Is that possible?
i made it like that because it will make it a bit harder for the humans & it will probably prevent them from just chillin back & camping with all there weapons & instead acually have a strategy going on when the zombies get the leftover powerweapons
I like Omega Journeys, and this gametype sounds good. Sorta makes it more of a puzzle than normal. What's at the end?
acually there is no end. the only end is that teleporter in 1 of the last pics. but after you go through that teleporter it will lead you outside the map there will be a lift that will take you to the top of the map. you will then have height advantage over the zombies.
I'm not sure if it's just me, but these pics aren't the best. Do you have any distant shots of the map?