Vanquished smitty0018 Supported Gametypes: Team Slayer (4v4 or 3v3 recommended), Team Oddball, Team CTF, Assault (Two Bomb) Map Description This is my first map I have made, so I hope that it is somewhat good. It's a symmetrical base with two bases and a center structure. Weapons and Equipment: x6 Battle Rifle - 20 second drop spawn x2 Carbine - 30 second drop spawn x2 Sniper Rifle - 0 extra clip; 60 second drop spawn x1 Mauler - 1 extra clip; 45 second drop spawn x4 Plasma Grenade x4 Frag Grenade x2 Overshield - 150 second spawn _________________________________________________ The main overview of the map View under the middle structure where the Mauler spawns View of one of the two identical bases Another view of the base View of the Overshield spawn _________________________________________________ Thanks for taking time to look at my map. I'd really enjoy any constructive criticism and feedback from you guys. Hope you enjoy it Download Vanquished
hmm this igood for a first map, the interlocking looks decent. im just wondering if you can escape ( im not really caring because im not one of those people who get on maps and try to escape it for satisfaction.) but other people will critism that. overall 3/5-7/10
I like it smitty, just one thing is that it could use some aesthetics and maybe a switch ok maybe not the switch but it is pretty bland it looks like it could have some good gameplay but just that one little thing is all
Well, I know it looks like you can escape, and it may be possible, but I don't think you can. About the asthetics, I didn't really try for those that much. I only spent about 15 hours on this and I realized that what I wanted it to look like wasn't comming true, so I almost got bored and started to get sloppy. I am actually quite good at interlocking and this doesn't do it justice very well. I don't know if it happens a lot, but I tend to lose interest at the end of a map... I need more motivation I suppose (*cough* like someone to forge with cough*) I could make a v2 and make it much better, but I'd rather make a better map.
ehh. it looks okay. the interlocking is pretty good though. theres not really any atshetics and it looks very open. add more cover. i would advise using barriers cuz most of ur map is lined with a walkway. you should also put a weapon on the top of the middle structure. or cover or something so its not plain. it also is breakable. in the over view map just granade jump over the wall. or nade jump onto the sign and then out. an at the overshield spawn is there something bloking those pipes cuz u can just walk behind them and ur out. total 2.5/5 because its breakable and very open.
There is something blocking the pipes, yes. I didn't really bother that much with blocking it off partially because I could care less if people break out of the map and partially because, like I said, I lost interest... Thanks for the comments and suggestions though, I might take them into consideration If anyone wants to work with me, or thinks they might, I can show you what I'm capable of... cause I would really like someone to forge with.
this looks pretty good smitty. you are obviously an experienced forger I love the interlocking most of all.
you know what, i actually like this map. it may lack asthetics, but i bet if you make a v2 and add those plus make it unescapable and maybe add just a bit more cover, you'll get more DLs. All in all, the interlocking is clean and it looks like the gameplay will be fun. 8/10 Dude that happens to me soo much.. ive got like 4 half-finished maps.
the map looks pretty good but there could be some things added. also the map would also be WAY better if you geomerged the double boxes into the wall that way people wont fall in between. other than that great job
This looks like a reallly cool map, but it screams MLG to me... a few improvements and she coul d be considered to feature like the outer barrier needs to be higher... needs more cover on bottom and top layers, and add some free creative aesthetics..
Nice map for a first map. Put something over the pipes, add some cover, and flip the front part of each base and it would be a 5/5. But for now its a 4/5. Keep on forging and if you keep practicing and don't get bored with the map you could have a feature. Keep on forging.
Do you mean the boxes in the bases? They are geomerged just a half a door to get them up against the wall and over that hump on the bottom, I didn't think you could fall behind there. I'll have to check it out. It looks like I may make a v2 after all. You guys have given me some good criticism that I can build off and it seems that you like it at least a little, so I'll see. Thanks for all the advice and compliments guys
Looks good Smitty (much, much better than my first map). A bit open but not without potential. I'll download it and play to see for myself. About you wanting someone to forge with, I've been feeling the same way. I know, after looking at my racing map that I posted about a week ago, you probably wouldn't be too encouraged with my forge skills, but I actually made that map during summer. And since all of those 1/5s I've practiced interlocking and geomerging every immovable object many, many times. It really lit a fire under me. I've also got a really good idea (pretty inspired I think) that I just haven't had the motivation to start it on my own. Anyway, my gamertag's CyanRaven if you want to try partnering up in forge with me.
I appreciate your suggestions, but I'd perfer if you guys didn't post the same things over and over again. I do understand that the map is open and that it is possible to get out...
Love it. Looks great, plays great, and the center structure provides nice crossfire over the map. Obviously, as people have said its a bit open, and that would be my major complaint. Other than that, this map is definitely 112% MLG, and should be moved by a moderator to the MLG maps section. Nice job.
I was thinking about making it MLG, but I'd have to take the SMGs and Spikers off... If I make a v2, I'll take those off and make it into an MLG map. Thanks for the compliments though