im making a map called Blood Harvest based of the idea Left for dead the game has. then im making the gametype L4D but someone made a map called Left for dead i believe so would this be cpoying someone elses idea ?ive been working on map for awhile and still building and i think mines beter then the person who made that map.
No it wouldn't be copying because there have been lots of cat and mouse maps on forgehub and noone is considered a copier or gotten a penalty of some sort for it. So to answer your question no it wouldn't be copying.
First off, seeing from your grammar,punctuation,etc. I think most people would call you stupid. Second I'm not calling you stupid, I'm calling your question stupid. You obviously made the map before the other guy. You didn't copy him, so why even ask. Unless yzou have a low self esteem. Now this warrants itself a lock.
Since this has been answered the thread can be locked. In conclusion you can name the map anything you want I have seen a thousand lockdowns just as long as it doesnt look like the other maps named the same thing. Firefox he never called you stupid he said the question was stupid, but I agree he didn't have to say that.