
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by Morphine, Dec 1, 2008.

  1. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Players: 6+
    Teams: 2

    Map Download

    Gametype Download

    Story: There has been an outbreak of the 'T' virus in a remote facility, your squad must move in and neutralize the outbreak while you're operative plants charges at each of the capture points. Only then will your team be able to blow up the building taking the inflected inhabitants with them. You have 4 minutes to plant all 5 charges, travel close to your operative as he needs assistance to proceed through the air vents.

    Although this map, 'Amalgam', can be played with two game types, the primary game type on it is Operative. This one sided VIP game type is quite different and I've been told, complex to fully understand. However, when properly played, is honor rule free and quite a bit of fun. The idea behind the game is that the VIP is traveling with the defending team, but in a separated location. In order for the VIP to advance in his special path way (which runs parallel to that of the defenders) the defenders must hit 5 different switches placed through out the map. After each of these switches there is a capture point, once all 5 are reached or the zombie like attackers kill the VIP the game will be over (or the 4 min timer runs out).


    The game starts out the VIP player riding the gravity lift to the teleporter (only the VIP can make this jump due to lower gravity.) On the other hand, the zombies spawn on the other side of the map and make their way towards that same teleporter. Although the zombies can kill the defending non-VIP players, it's only their goal to make to back to the original teleporter to kill the defenseless VIP.


    There is some help for the zombies to sneak by. Since the VIP doesn't support the alpha zombies traits I've added an active camo which spawn every 60 seconds near the zombies respawn.


    While not always available it gives some variety to the game play.

    The most important thing for the defending team to realize is that while not forced to travel with their VIP, they have very limited traits when more than a few meters away from him. It is in your team's best interest for the defenders to try and keep the zombies from getting past them down the winding pathway, while constantly gaining ground while remaining with their VIP. Their are also weapons with limited ammo, trip mines, and grenades placed along the way for the defending team.

    Along their way there are 5 switches (as previously stated). For each one of these switches the player defenders need to shoot something, either a pallet or a fusion coil. These switches are indicated by 4 over shield and 1 custom power for the last one.

    Switch #1:

    Switch #2:

    Switch #3:

    Switch #4:

    Switch #5:

    Each of these switches either open up the path way to the next area or drops a gravity lift which can be picked up and used by the VIP. Of course the VIP does not do any damage so he can not destroy the pallets or fusion coils himself. And when using a gravity lift it's always best for the VIP to remember to throw it on top of the cone in the enclosed area. If the gravity lift is misplaced then the players must wait an additional 30 seconds for the next lift to spawn.

    Clearly the zombies will not have access to the gravity lift when making their way toward intercepting the VIP, this is why they have such low gravity allowing them to travel through the air vents without any problems.

    Communication is the most vital part of this game. VIPs must constantly use their enhanced radar to inform their teammates weather or not a zombie is coming, especially a cloaked zombie. On the other hand the defending team needs to communicate weather or not they are ready with the next switch or need the VIP to slow down and wait for them. While this game take a bit of getting accustom to, once you master the concept the games can be very intense and exciting.

    Bonus Game type:

    Download Conquest

    There is also another game type that can be used with this map and that is... Conquest! For anyone who hasn't played Conquest, there have been a countless number of maps that use it. All of which can be found in the "Book of Conquest" thread on FH.

    The way the game works is both teams work to capture points placed throughout the map. Basically it just becomes a tug of war type game with territories.

    As the map uses symmetrical and asymmetrical spawning, it changes it's layout to be more symmetrical for this game type. Here are some screen shots:

    Center of the Map

    Inbetween area


    Well there you go, I hope you all enjoy it, any criticism and comments are welcome. Once I test the map a bit more I will probably release a V2 this one was a little rushed due to a competition over at Xforgery.com
  2. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    it looks pretty fun but i dont quite under satnd the concept.
    do you protect your vip while the *zombies* attack?
    the map looks good tho i can see that your interlocking skillz are
  3. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Playing the game before you actually rate it normally helps you understand the concept. The game is VIP but the defenders have 'zombie like' traits. So for future reference you should really not pass judgment on things which you don't fully understand, that would make you a republican.

    xXECWFIENDXx Ancient
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    Wow. Those I/Ls are great. I haven't had a chance to play it yet though, but you have my download. I'll be back later after i play this with my buds tonight.

    It kind of reminds me of Cave Freaks, in good way. Keep up the good work Morphine.
  5. StreetSoccer12

    StreetSoccer12 Ancient
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    couldn't explain it to me when I was in the party? ha it doesn't matter, but I get the map now and it's pretty sweet. Hopefully you got to play test this when I left, It is always a reassuring thing to do. Can't wait to play the map though, it's quite amazing how fast you built the map. Any ways 5/5
  6. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Politics have nothing to do with your map.
    As for the map, it seems as though it is, in a way, kind of like Cave Freaks, to the fact that it is VIP Zombies. I think this may be fun for a little while, but may get repetetive after some time. I will have to try it out. 4/5
  7. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    I never said it had anything to do with the map... but, no need to be offended, just a little political humor.

    "So for future reference you should really not pass judgment on things which you don't fully understand, that would make you a republican."
  8. BatteryIncluded

    BatteryIncluded Ancient
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    the first action pic is cool. I... uh, see you like switches. they look clean, maybe show an effect? great though. 5/5
  9. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    LOL! also... nice map, you dont see many specialized and flexible maps like this nowadays, this really made my day.
  10. Ix Unseen xl

    Ix Unseen xl Ancient
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    this reminds me of **** Zombies on CoD WaW only there is one special person and only one zombie.

    from the pictures it looks very well done, especially the interlocking is very neat

    it would be amazing to see someone come up with a way to play **** zombies on halo someday with everything mostly the same except for the money being replaced by kills
  11. Youtuber

    Youtuber Ancient
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    I like the looks of the gameplay, pretty interesting it looks (Lol, spiced it up with some YODA). Umm, for the map, looks clean, like the switches you incoportated throughout it. Overall good job, will make an atempt at DL if Bungie has the powers to let me???(Lol)??
  12. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    ok i understand what the vip teams supposed to do but not really the zombies, they pretty much have to make it to the attackers starting point right? also what happens when a attacker dies? does he just go to the beginning are to a death room and could you show us some of the effects of the switches please? looks very good liked how u indicated the switches with powerups so the noobs wont get to big of a headache, lol and for the record i did like the political jokes about replubicans it made me lol even though i am one :p
    a 4/5
  13. Morphine

    Morphine Ancient
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    Yes they try to get back to the beginning area so they can take the gravity lift up to air ducts. When an attacker dies he respawn at the beginning but at that point he more than likely won't be within distance of the vip influence traits therefore they are very weak. At this point their goal is to rush back up to where your temamates are hopefully still holding the front line.

    As for the switch effects some of them involve shooting pallets or fusion coils. That way they drop a gravity lift for the VIP to advance, unblock a teleporter, or just clear the path before him.

    There isn't just one zombie, one entire team are the zombies.
    #13 Morphine, Dec 4, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2008
  14. SaucyCardog

    SaucyCardog Ancient
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    This map looks great, and a really good gameplay system 5/5

    But just wondering, is there any explosion or detonation if the good guys win?
  15. Iv BuCkEtHeAd vI

    Senior Member

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    man dude that looks sick! would anyone be willing to help me make maps? im getting better, but idk how to make amazing stuff like this. --msg me

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