Map Making Questions [Warning: Big Questions Probably Requiring Long Answers]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HomieG54, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    This is a big thread because I have some big questions to ask in here. Hopefully you (Forgehub) can help me.

    1: MLG: I have always wanted to make these kind of maps but never new what had to be made and what to put on em' (i.e. Spawns, Weapons and more). Now could anyone help me on that one?

    2: Race Tracks: I have always loved racing on these and playing them offline etc. I have wanted to make them too but don't know where to start. Now don't get offended when I say this but I want to join They are just another forging community like here but are based on racing. Now the only way to get the map making rank there you need to make good race tracks. So could anyone point me in the right direction for this?

    I know these are big questions to ask but what I get out of them I can use to make good maps and teach others which would spread the community of map makers. Hope you can help!

  2. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I can only really help with the first question, regarding MLG. MLG is meant to be balanced, fair and competitive. That means you better put a lot of time into making a clean, perfectly symmetrical map. Make a map with multiple routes and bases. Notice that the two Foundry maps currently in MLG, Amp and Onslaught, are both five-base maps: two team bases, two midway bases on the side, and a middle one. Balance cover and open areas, for both short and long-range combat.

    Also, make note of the weapon set. MLG allows Snipers, BRs, Carbines, Maulers, Rockets, and occasionally the Plasma Pistol. Be very careful when placing rockets and snipers so that they do not overpower. MLG does not use overshields, instead they use the custom powerup.

    There should be many routes from side to side, so the action is spread throughout the map. Also, when designing a MLG map, keep callouts in mind. Is the map just one seemingly endless area, or are there many recognizable areas that players could use for callouts? Hopefully the latter.

    Finally, creativity is important. Please, if creating an MLG map, don't make it a "MLG-just-like-the-next-guy's-map". If you want to use breakage from a different MLG map, ask the creator first. Also remember that movable geometry like crates are not allowed, unless they are held down. MLG maps are very time-consuming, but very rewarding. The best MLG maps, you will find, have almost unnoticeable geomerges ever so slightly just so grenades bounce properly. Take your time.

    Best of luck in your forge endeavors, I hope I helped.
  3. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks for the long reply H3C x Nevz. I remember testing Fissure with you GD, Insane, and Sdrak a little while back.

    Hopefully I can be a very good MLG map maker some day.
  4. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Sorry for the double post but any other people that can help. I need help with both if at all possible.
  5. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    Be careful not to double post. Edit your last post.
  6. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    I know I just don't want to have people forget about my thread.
  7. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    Let's see, about the racetracks. I can help with them, such as what should go in them and the sort, but I've never been the best at coming up with ideas. So if you're looking for ideas, I can't really help too much (partially because I'm planning my own racetrack that I hope will come out really well and I don't want to give it away) and partially because I just have trouble thinking of ideas. But let me know if you need help with what is expected in racetracks, such as what not to put in and what you should have.
  8. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Ohh, be careful, double posting isn't so casual here. Really? What's your GT?
    As for the race maps, I'll offer what I can. First off, Race Maps aren't as much about applying techniques, such as geomerging. It's about having a precise hand and doing lots of save and quit. They can be very time consuming, but there is no way around it, just keep trying with the save and quit. Also, make sure your map is "cheat proof." If there is an area where people can fall, watch where they fall, and make sure it does not provide a shortcut. Finally, at the finish line, use teleporters and grav lifts/man cannons to make sure people cannot enter on foot or go through multiple times.
  9. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks guys. And my GT is HomieG54.

    But Smitty can you help with the race tracks?
  10. LIGHTSOUT225

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    MLG maps do NOT have to be symmetrical
  11. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Don't they have to be either asymmetrical or symmetrical?
  12. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Isn't that the only two types of maps there are...?

    H3C explained MLG maps perfectly. In MLG maps you want there to be a flow, to it. There can't just be one attention area, there has to many. Weapons in MLG are as follows. Battle Rifle, Sniper Rifle, Carbine, Mauler, Rockets(With one clip), and I believe needler, but I can't remember off the top of my head. I recommend you play the real MLG maps (Ones used in matchmaking), and some of the MLG maps that are featured here. Just to get a feel to them, and start sprouting ideas.

    Also in MLG everything is mostly fast paced. Thats why theirs so many jumping spots to make quicker routes, and less waiting. A good example is in the Foundry MLG map (Can't remember its name, sorry). But at the bottom entrance to the base, it has tow interlocked doors on its sides. Which are used for jumping up to the top to grab the flag, get a kill, etc. I see MLG maps as a busy metropolis. People shooting, dieing, killing, all at the snaps of a finger.

    As I said before, I recommend you take a look at some previous successful MLG maps before you start to create your own.

    And the same with racetracks, play some successful maps and get a nice feel then start to create your own.

    But on Racetracks people like to see new things. Be original and creative. Try to make a racetrack that will keep people hooked, not just one lap and their done. Incorporate stuff that has never been done. Racetracks is all about the map maker, not the player. Its all based on you and how you build your map. Try to think as a player on your map. What would keep you constantly playing this map? Don't just make a simple road with a few jumps and twists.

    Go for anything in a racetrack. They aren't judged on how they look but how they feel. If theres bumps and very sharp turns, then theres going to be a negative reaction when playing this map.

    And thats good how your going to Halo tracks for more opinions, seeing they have claimed the championship over all other racing communities.

    I hope this helped you, and maybe sometime I'll help you my GT:playerhata27.
  13. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
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    hey its knossos, sorry i didnt get around to posting until now but here goes: mlg maps are very demanding when it comes to interlocking and geomerging so if you choose to make one you will need to be forging at the top of your game, they really reflect what kind of forger you are (lazy, determined, dedicated, or perfectionist) they are generally made on foundry.

    the most common weapon on an mlg map is the br which is set at 10 second respawn with 2 extra clips. the carbine follows closely behind with usually 1-4 around the map with 90 second respawn and 2 extra clips. there are normally 4 frags and 4 plasmas per map so use those sparingly and place them in points that are important to control. there is usually a power weapon like a mauler, plasma pistol, or the plasma rifle (a new addition to mlg) in the middle of a map. symmetrical maps generally use those smaller power weapons but asymmetrical or full foundry symmetrical (back bases, rooms, and hallways used) will sometimes use snipers or a rocket launcher. be aware that a custom powerup can also be used and will demand the part of the map its placed on to be used more than it usually would.

    now onto map design. the most common is the 2 base setup ex: onslaught and amp but others (merco, hangout, vendetta, xyience, and regicide) are asymmetrical and generally room based like halo 1 maps such as chill out and damnation. if you plan on making a 2 base map make it as unique as possible but dont use shield doors, fence walls or boxes, barrels or anything like that. just focus on the map geometry and do some crazy but clean geomerging. if you plan on making an asymmetrical then just make every part of the map completely different but make it vertically oriented.

    i hope this helped you
  14. HomieG54

    HomieG54 Ancient
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    Thanks for all the help guys! I will try my best.

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