To proof that they are all real, I have em all on my fileshare: : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share My brand new ones: Madness The Sphere The Guardian The Ancient Modern Art My older ones: Blue Eye Lonely The Light Firez Action Flames Forge Orange-Blue Orange Thank you for reading everything. I hoped you liked my screenshots, and do not forget to comment. Thank You
wow these are really nice, personally me favorite is flames. The guy just looks so cool walking toward us!
Lonely is defenitly the best one, that's on the first campaign level right? the lighting is really good on it
Great screenshots! 5/5! My favorite is the Flames and Action ones. The fire in flames is just AWESOME! Keep up the good work
These are all great. Flames is the best. I mean besides the flames and the blue sword contrasting perfectly, it reminds me of Sephiroth.
I don't like these that much they're to simple I guess maybe try getting some different angles and new effects overall Id have to say 3.5/5
Lol, in fact, I have 6 different angles for 8 shots with Spartans on them. And also, each screenshot has a different effect. And if you mean that these screenshots' effects are overused, my new ones are definitely not. And I also have been one of the first ones (not the first one) to use the effects on my old pictures (except lonely, but it is unique another way)
Those are some really excellent screenshots. The first set that are all distorted are really nice and pretty original. The one that stood out the most too me was the second to last one. The colors look really nice. The one with the sentinel beam is cool too.