Me and fellow 'Hubber Furry just played a game of Wingman on Gears 2. And all three human teams, there are three, were all Marcus. We had a hard time figuring out who was on our team, and even though we won, it was crazy. We even got a picture of Marcus holding Marcus. This ever happen to anyone else? EDIT: Getting moved now!
thats hilarious i wish that you could have a marcus holding one marcus while tea bagging another marcus
I'm not sure how or wjy it happened. But, it was sure as hell weird. And what if their were all Cole going "boo" every time they roll? lolol
Happened to me on SSBB. I was playing Marth, then there was another Marth with the exact same color of clothes. Me and my siblings usually play free-for-all and try NOT to hit each other, but kill the CPU. Anyhow, they just kept hitting me so I finally just killed them all. I also had a hard time telling who was actually the one falling off. Sometimes the other Marth would fall off, but I would think I'm him and try and go in the opposite direction to keep from falling off. Then I myself would fall off, thus, a suicide.
That has happened to me like twice before and its always Marcus! I remember losing a match cause I thought one of the Marcuses was my teammate and they chainsawed me.
Yeah, a Marcus came in the room, and I said "ohai, plant a grenade" and he waz all leik silent. And theeen, I waz leik hey d0000d! And he chainsaw'd me...
Gears' multiplayers have always just been extremely glitchy. One time while playing Annex in gears 1, I respawned to find myself switched from the COG team to the Locust team. My character, however, was still Carmine. So I was a COG carrying around a lancer with red lights that recieved points for betraying other COGs.
No, it was only that one time it happened. If it does happen again, I'll post what happened here. An extremely weird glitch...
Also, did you have to use a capcard to get these pictures, or does Gears have a screenshot system like Halo?