No car entry switch

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Kilamanjara14, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    Ok so to answer your first question this is not in the map section because in the requirements you need to put a download link which I do not want to do until the map I am finished with it is done. Now then onto the switch. This switch is 3 switches combined into one. The min/max switch, the torpedo switch, and the RB switch. Now I will split it up into 4 sections to help demonstrate how it works to lessen confusion because of the fact that there is not a download link so it may be hard to follow. Do not be shy or anything if you do not understand the switch just post a comment and ask it is in no way an annoyance unless it is some question about interlocking or nonsense. Now then onto the switch.

    The stages of the switch

    Here is the switch when ever different vehicles can get through

    Here is me in a warthog going through it

    The switch closed

    Not even the sleekness (if that is a word) of the wraith can get through it!.

    How the switch functions (On switch)

    This is where the switch is turned ON. It does not however turn it off, that switch is on the other side which you will see later

    This is the main mechanics of the on switch. How it works is you press RB when you get near the spot which is in the above picture. And the warthog will then try to flip and hit the fusion coils off of the edge and land on the mancannon which will then fly into the grav lift and destroy. How it works is that it is a min/max switch which means that whenever a grav lift is destroyed another one appears. On this switch there is a downside. Since the switch is ment to go on and off the min/max switch works 50% of the time. So you have to wait 10 seconds if the switch does not work. Now then onto the picture.

    This is the switch in "action". The fusion coils drop.

    Then the blow up the grav lift.

    And then the switch is turned on.

    That is not the part that makes this switch special. The special part is the next part.​

    How the switch functions (off switch)

    This is the special part of the switch. It can be turned on and off. Now here where you activate the off switch.

    Now for the mechanics of the off switch. Since it is a min/max switch this part does not always work either which means you will have to wait 10 seconds to try and activate it again. This is not a good picture of the mechanics because the switch goes underneath so there will be multiple pictures. This is just where it starts.

    Then whenever the fusion coil blows up it activates the torpedo switch.
    This is the torpedo switch unactivated.

    This is the torpedo switch after it is activated.

    The torpedo switch is in a position where it is surrounded by walls and single boxes so it can only go forward, into these fusion coils

    Then the torpedo explodes which explodes the fusion coils which then destroys the grav lift.

    And that is the switch. Some thing that can be annoying tho is the switch can get stuck. The likely hood of that is around 19 out of 20 times.​

    The pros and cons of the switch

    • The switch can stop a person capturing the flag on a vehicle​
    • Can affect gameplay very well if used correctly​
    • Someone walking can get through the dumpsters.​

    • The switch does not always turn on
    The switch does not always turn off

    The switch can sometimes get stuck
    Do not forget to COMMENT! Also if you think I should make a switch template contest which I am thinking about doing please tell me whether or not I should do it. Happy forging :)
    #1 Kilamanjara14, Nov 30, 2008
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2008
  2. Orangeremi

    Orangeremi Ancient
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    Wow, cool, I see a combination of many switches I've seen before to make an awesome new switch, I love it!

    I can't wait for your map that has this switch to come out!
  3. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    Very cool indeed. What I don't get is why it dosen't always turn on/off. Why dosen't it? Is there an explanation?
  4. Dthen

    Dthen Ancient
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    It's because it's a re-usable min-max, not a conventional. re-usables are les reliable, although a technique has been found to make them 100% reliable.
  5. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    May I please ask how to make them 100% reliable? I would love to know to better my switch
  6. TrioEnzyme

    TrioEnzyme Ancient
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    I don't know if Dthen would like me to say this but it is called a Priority Min/Max. All you have to do in this case I think, is place the Grav Lift pushing the dumpsters up first and the one the gets blown up in a Min/Max second.

    Objects that are placed first have priority over objects that were placed later on spawning-wise.

    Please correct me if I'm wrong Dthen
  7. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    It still didn't work... I am not sure if I did it wrong but it didn't work.
  8. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    I know a couple of ways to make a resettable switch of the like os yours. you would have to redo the looks of the switch but I know a way it will work. send me a friend request... GT=xRedNormandyx
  9. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I did not know how to do the RB switch and that is really helpful, thanks. Also what the point of a "torpedo switch" vs a single fusion coil?
  10. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
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    It has to travel a distance with the torpedo effect of the propane tank. Instead if I had used a fusion coil it would have change blown up and not done any thing...
  11. Ja Red is Ninja

    Ja Red is Ninja Ancient
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    so, do you wnat me to help you make a really nice resettable version of this switch?
  12. Kilamanjara14

    Kilamanjara14 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes I would actually, maybe tomorrow though I will try and add you tonight but yes I would love to know so I can make some amazing switch for my contest thing.

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