Hi, u may or may not know me from when i posted up my football(soccer)finder(s). Anyways, i'm back again aand have started to think of designing an MLG Map. One problem: doing it by myself is harder and i'm not an experienced forger. So, i ask any forgers, preferebly good, to aid me in designing a new MLG map. If you want to help me out, send a FR to my GT GT: I Vaughano I Thanks Vaughano
It seems as though you've run a bit of bad luck lately. The only thing I can suggest is getting one of your friends to help you. It's very hard to arrange a time to meet with each other. Or maybe you can make friends with the people here at ForgeHub, and whenever they get online you can invite them to help you. Making friends with people here on ForgeHub is great idea since they all love to forge, and quite of few of them are really talented. Tis only suggestion. Since I can't really help thou, I'll just bump this topic up for you so someone else will take the initiative to help you out. Since that won't happen unless they see thy topic, the bump will most indeed help you. Unfortunately that is all I can offer. Godspeed to you, and be of great cheer. Even if you don't get help.