XBO Signature Created by hselaisse (GT: Black Theorem) Small, almost horseshoe shaped map with high and low points to attack the center Base: ___-.Foundry Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag King of the Hill Oddball Slayer Description: I felt like my group, The Black Organization, didn't have it's own signature map to play on. So I made this. Enjoy *note: it's not money glitched. Forging 101: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ ___ ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch That's ME! If you like it, Download XBO Signature here.
5 out of 5 that was execelent geomerging usauly i dont post on these type of maps but i hacd to say something it awesome man keep making more maps
I like the really cool feature you added with the gravity lift and the plasma grenades, those are factors that make great maps well great maps. I like the map just try to interlock the pillars and clean the outside wall a little bit and it should have pretty good gameplay
what do you mean, "these type of maps"? and thanks, eguitarplaya. EDIT: i wanted to ask something. why does it seem after everytime i post on my own map threads, there are no more posts on my map? is it like a rule to wait until after the OP posts again, then dont post anymore?
I r really dun know... Anyway, pretty freakin sweet. I like it. It has a, um...sharp feel about it. Though I don't see the point of some of the ramps. Still, solid map. 4/5. Not bad at all.
The interlocking and geomerging look really good, the only thing that you could improve is the tower made of single boxs. Other than that it looks great 4.5/5
Nice Map! It could use a little bit more interlocking and Geo-merging but other than that it is pretty good. I like the bridges, Keep up the good work 4/5