The map is Tower of Power and the variant is House Rules. Link to my file share: Link to my Thread: (If you enjoy this map, consider replying and rating it on as well) The Game Variant has a default setting of 250 kills to win, you may wish to modify this. Veterans may also wish to remove the secondary Energy Sword, however I think this adds a great deal to the gameplay and recommend leaving it on. _________________________________________________ I've seen some Tower of Power attempts already so I thought I would try my hand at one of my own. For those of you who don't know what Tower of Power is, it was a Halo 2 variant for the map Ascension. It featured a turret atop the large tower, with players having shotguns and no shields. Controlling the tower meant controlling the map. The map I have now made in Foundry is a very different experience but the core game play is still there. I've added numerous new complexities to the game that I hope new players and veterans of Halo 2's Tower of Power will enjoy. I took a few ideas from other users, for example this map includes a shield door at the front of the Tower. I also opted to include shotguns and swords. Swording through the shield door or lunging at someone on the top of the tower are excellent strategies. Furthermore the inclusion of a speed power up and the Mongeese were additional good ideas I looted for this map. The map is a completely symmetrical map with a lot of ways to die and a lot of ways to survive. I recommend doing at least 3v3 although the map is much more fun with teams as big as 8v8. Let's start off with a quick look from the gunner's seat: [img width=800 height=450][/img] You'll immediately notice I opted to use a Warthog which is trapped and cannot be moved even the slightest. The advantage to this is that the turret cannot be detached. Additionally the Warthog turret cannot aim down, making things far more balanced for would-be attackers. [img width=800 height=450][/img] Another thing you can see is the man cannon opposite the turret. Players always spawn in their respective bases, A or B, and the man cannon is a quick method of travel back to the tower. Furthermore, should even one person manage to dismount the other team's turret user, attackers can use the man cannon for a massive assault. This makes protecting the turret gunner even more important. [img width=800 height=450][/img] For those hoping to get to the tower in the first place to dismount its residents, there are four Mongeese behind cover in the front of each base. There are also a pair of deployable cover items on 45 second respawn timers in each base's respective armory. Players hoping to make the journey on foot will need to be quick or smart. If you're not smart, you can be quick by acquiring a custom speed powerup situated in an open box beneath the mancannon. Here are some additional views: [img width=800 height=450][/img] [img width=800 height=450][/img] There are plenty of things to hide behind before making a mad dash to the tower. Players may hide behind dumpsters and inch their way forward while the turret gunner is preoccupied keeping attackers from using man cannon. Cautious players may wish to take the long way around the edge of the map. From there they can use windows on either side of the base to blast defenders in the back. Here's a quick look at the inside of the base: [img width=800 height=450][/img] If you would like to play this map with me feel free to add me, my gamertag is Esponeo.
Re: Tower of Power, by Esponeo *sigh* i just made one last night on this map. Urs is better tho. Good job.