So I was playing a match in doubles today, and during the game a notification popped up and said that was Disconnected from Xbox Live. However, I still played and finished the game, only problem was I was not able to talk to my teammate. When I was returned to the lobby, it said I couldn't be in that playlist because I had no connection to Xbox Live. So I restarted my Xbox, and still, it wouldn't sign in to Live. So I pressed "Connect to Xbox Live", and it did connect. However, when I went to go back into Halo 3, it just went black and nothing else happened. And to prove that there is something wrong, I want all you nay-sayers to go to What's going on?
Dude, something similar is happening to me. I was just about to post a question. I didn't get disconnected from Live because I was just on the computer and then decided to go play. But when I booted up my 360, the dashboard loads and everything, but it won't connect me to Live. When I launch Halo 3 from the dashboard, my 360 freezes at the black screen when it should be loading. I think that's what's happening to you, but I can't figure mine out...
I just got off because of this problem. I was in a game on CoD and it said I got disconnected from XBL as well.
Same thing has been also happening for me and my friends. Right now, Im "on live" but I can't join any of the parties, and it's lagging like crazy. I'd say to expect some "Undertow" again.
Allright, as long as it's happening to other people. I was afraid my 360 was having a heart attack...
Experiencing some live problems as well over here, my bro nearly punched the 360 in pieces because he couldn't connect, and everytime he did it signed him out 2 min later
Wow this sounds like a major problem. Too bad I'm not there to experience it, my Xbox is is being repaired by the "people" (Xbox 360 elves that repair all your Xboxes if they are ever diagnosed with the infamous RROD!)
Sorry for Double Posting, but I have found out yet another big problem. If you go to people's ForgeHub profiles, and look were their GamerTag's are supposed to be, it says "Redirect Loop" (If you use Mozilla FireFox) There must be something serious going down at right now.
Heh, its not only Halo 3. Its Call of Duty, Burnout, and even Offline only games as well. Something is definitely wrong.
I'm sure Microsoft will fix this problem in a jiffy. I definitely hope so because we all can't stand being disconnected from chats, games etc. I was actually going to try and get some map making done and then that happened and every time I would load up halo it would freeze in a black screen as stated above. I hope they fix this!
Suggestion: Try disconnecting your ethernet/wireless thing from your Xbox. See if it loads up without an internet connection.