Okay, as I am typing this my hands are shaking lol. I just did something I will never be able to do again. I FC'd (100% basically) Solo 1A of Surfing with the Alien on Expert. I know that doesn't mean much to people, but just to show you, here's a video of the solo. Note: This is not a video of me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3y8uDzrWHQ
Pics or it didn't happen Jk. Excellent work dude. I wish you had actual proof but that looks like a huge accomplishment. Nice job.... next time make a video though so we can have actual proof.
I'll take a screenshot the next time I do it. I don't have a video camera or a capture card though lol. I'm gonna go try it now and get some pics. I don't know if I'll be able to do it or not.
Thanks. It's too bad I can't do it in a real run and I suck at the rest of the solo... I'll just have to keep practicing I suppose.
Hey Smitty, after Christmas we should be GH:WT together. Me on the drums and you on that. Or I could play guitar, because I can beat expert too =)
We should. How good are you at drums? And by the way, I'm not actually a big fan of GHWT, but I'll play with you a bit.
Damn. I'm guessing that took alot of practice. I don't have the patience to practice getting that perfect.
I've been a die hard Guitar Hero fan since the release of the first Guitar Hero... So yes, lots of practice, ha. I've been able to play Expert since the first one (not very well though) but I didn't start getting really good until last Christmas when I got GH3.
I'm guessing thats a downloadable song since i haven't seen that song before but that solo does look hard, since i play on the higher level hard songs and the lower level expert songs my only advice is when you get angry with it just go play another game when you do and just come back to it later and try again. When i aim for something i usually fail and when i come back to do it casually i'm successful for some reason :S.
Yeah, I'm all too familiar with the "get angry and play something else" mentallity, ha. I have over 30 100%s in the main and bonus setlists, which involved quite a lot of frustration and throwing of controllers (I've gone through like 4 guitars from overuse and frustration xD)
Ouch, how much did those guitars cost you? bet that was quite a handful of money you had to part with there, that would make me cringe lol.
They're like $50 each. I got one for my birthday though, and apart from my reffing job which I make $30 for one little kid's game, I make 50$ for mowing my neighbor's lawn, which takes like an hour. So it didn't hurt me too much.
yeah... Guitar hero needs theatre mode! anyways good job.. ive only ever played at reaper of bunny's house, and its hard!