MLG TIPS Many people do not know about the MLG tactics such as strafing and leading your shots. For those who do not know what these are here is what they are. Strafing: Side to Side movements used to dodge bullets. Leading your shots: With a Battle Rifle the 3 round burst lets you lead your bullets into the enemy. You lead your shot by turning towards the enemy after you have shot but this has to be done quick. Add on to this tip archive by posting links to tutorials or demonstrations or described it in your post.
Just before you make something like this, make it a bit more presentable, and eye catching. And just as a question, what Rank are you in MLG?
I should be a higher rank then I am but I am always paired up with assholes of teamates so I am not very high as of now I am only rank 9 .
Well maybe you should but a Team together. I have 3 accounts. 2 of them are expired, but are both Generals...And the other one I use is registered on GB, I purposely have a really bad rank an record on it so the people we are playing against get the wrong Image of us, and we get a really easy early game setup. By the way, the other two accounts are a 50 and a 48 in MLG. You should try and get your **** higher, and learn more stuff before you go out and try to teach lessons.
You also want to learn how to Spawn Camp the other Team, especially on Objective type gametypes such as CTF.
My bad Hallow, I was being an ass, you can join my MLG Tips Groups if you want to get better. That too goes for everyone reading this. Link in Sig \/
These are important and helpful tips. But the way you presented them gives people an idea as if you don't care much. And the text definitely threw me off. Maybe you can edit your post and add some screen shots, or elaborate on to this. Because all you want to do is help the person, right?
Does anyone know that if you swipe your last 3 bullets on a guy on one hit that he will die don't you? You don't always have to lead your shots because the br spread is random.
I could try to add some screenshots later today but Im going to have to add text to it so you know I'm talking about.