Observer -- v2 Update! Observer v2 Created by ShearMe Base: Foundry Gametype: Download HindSight v2.1 Basics: 4 rounds 6 minuets Magnum spawn Next zombie - Random Zombies: Speed is 200% Damage is instant kill Gravity is unchanged to prevent them from jumping over some of the bases features Motion tracker is 75 meter enhanced mode No shields Alpha: 150% damage resistance Humans: Humans do 75% damage Last Man: 90% damage 90% speed 10 meter motion tracker grenade regeneration Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ YES ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES (for v2) ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch I know youz guyz were complaining about not enough cover for the zombies, but there wasn't really any way to add more for it would take away for the whole point of the game. I did, however, add a new passage for the zombies to take up to the observation deck: So if you're still complaining about not enough cover, go get some common sense. I also added onto the base, bringing the warthog spawn(180s) closer to where humans start rather than in the middle of the map: I edited the top tunnel area a bit and removed the man cannons that shoot you down so quickly, and also blocked off the topmost ledge of the map: Other than that, I edited some of the weapon spawns and added/removed weapons, as well as changing some of the ammo settings. I also fixed some things in the game type, so if you're gonna comment (once again) about the zombie cover issue, I'm going to be really pissed when I find out you didn't even play the game! So download it! OR ELSE!!! Thanks go mainly to doognit and ladiesman20009 for beta testing! Download Observer v2 Download HindSight v2.1
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do you think you can message me when you get the pics up so i can take a look i always like a good infection map
wow ummm no offense but it kinda looks one sided from the pics. i mean a snipertower for the humans and a base, combied with the little cover i think that its alittleonesided. try to add more cover and less campable areas on your maps id love to seesome of your future work tho it seems that you have great potential on the positive side, you have amazing geo-merging and interlocking skills. 3/5
i agree with a 3.5 because this is great geo merging but its open in the midle and its going to be rely hard for the zombies i sugest more cover try makeing a V2
^that guys prob his friend^ any way, the map isnt excatly all that great. the zombies have some small cover and the humans have turrest and a snpier box. you seem to know how to interlock and geomerge so all u need to work on is the layout and make sure the humans and zombies are just about equal in power but id give it a 6/10... nah maybe like a 3/5.... changed my mind... 12/20
Just because the guy thinks its a good map doesnt mean hes his friend, I myself am a huge infection fan and the layout of the map was a good idea, and i happen to disagree with the other complaints saying not enough cover, you maybe could add one or two things near the base, like a open box or make the zombies have higher resistence... unless you suck at Halo 3 infection, you could easily maneuver in and around the objects given. In my opinion its not a bad map, it would be so much better if you neatened all the objects and thought of maybe some more ideas to add to this one. Good job 4.3/5
I think this map is pretty good, aesthetics wise, it has interlocking, and geo-merging, and it looks pretty solid so i say good job! not overly spectacular but it is pretty good 3.5/4.8
Thanks for all the great comments and I was going more for what monk sausage talked about. I suppose I could shift around some of the cover or add a wall some where for a v2 so I'll look at it a bit later this week.
this is a realy good zombie fort its been a while since i tried to make one and most of them ended up sucking but this map seems to flow very well and has a far amount of cover for the zombies also the sniper perch is very well done
Bit too open for a zombies game; not much cover for the attackers. And a sniper tower and plasma cannons for the humans? Plasma Cannon ammo isn't limited, y'know.
Ok, you try killing a super fast zombie when its jumpin' around... None of the weapons on the map respawn so two little plasma cannons and a machine gun turret are gonna be the least of their worries. Thank you, thank you.