SCREENSHOTS 1st base Active camo tunnel 2nd base Back Room 1st base and Brute shot spawn Action Shots The ~Blue~ man Hey ! That's my ride ! Bloody Battle. Invisi man. Description Okay for starters this map is a high quality fun rollercoaster of madness whenever you are playing team slayer or team KOTH and for one thing it never gets real boring. but i have to describe the map to you so i will there are two main bases one in the middle of the map one on the back right corner of the map there are also two semi bases one near the active camo tunnel the other near the left back room gameplay has been tested and seemed to be very fun so enjoy ! Download Map
First of all, the map looks great. Now on to the criticism. The map doesn't look like it'll be great for gameplay at all. It seems like another city map. We have to remember that whoever has higher ground has a better advantage. It seems like you promoted this also, for you have stuck some of the better weapons up there. There's too many buildings that have no crossways to other buildings. The other thing is that the floor is way too open. Anyone without the camouflage would die. Anyone getting the camouflage will also have a hard time because they have no where to go if someone finds them getting it. Some of the objects, if taken a closer look, have edges sticking out. Overall, the map gets a.... Drum roll please... 2/5. I can see you have good potential for making great looking maps, but this isn't a map to have battles on.
Looks really nice, I like the layout, and it has a really good Urban feel to it. I really like how you incorporated a lot of Bridge/Stairway structures leading up to higher Floors. And this maps doesn't seem to be overpowered with weapons, nor Power ups or Vehicles. 5/5
I agree with Frag Man, it doesnt really look like a map to be played on. So for gameplay i will give it a 3/5, but for your forging ability, i give you a 4.5/5.
the map is ok i dont really see that much of amazing interlocking except for in the first picture those boxes are incredible
I very much like the active camo tunnel, the way the box is geomerged is pretty cool. I not sure about how it would play though. Everything looks so high, and the relationship between the high building s and the floor looks bad. HOWEVER, i have not played it, so i will give it a download before i go further.
im glad you can geomerge with this skill, but really? pointless geomerging like this is pretty cool, but in no way adds to any map, except making the transition from real floor to box floor bumpy this map looks like it could use some work on the gameplay also. this map doesnt look competetive at all. some people seem to not get that this map forum is for competetive maps, not fun maps
I agree with Mace on part of his statement.Your skills are great and you know how to forge well its just that some things are sort of pointless.For gameplay i'm not sure how it will play.The whole map itself just feels nice for me though.Good job.