IF YOU DON"T HAVE ANYTHING CONSTRUCTIVE TO SAY ABOUT IT... I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT. THANKS! STEP UP Bigteam! Download Much Inspired and worked out to play like standoff heavy. So if you like stand off heavy and you play a lot of big team this is deff the standoff map for you. 2 teams of 6-8 slayer and ctf recommended. I really enjoy heavy maps but thought the gameplay was a bit random, so I've decided to basically remake a version of standoff heavy to have better gameplay, spawns, weapons and such. DO NOT say that this map doesn't live up to my forging talent, because it does. It may not be a change in geometry but it wasn't made to be a whole new map. It was made for a different style of heavy based gameplay. Step up took a lot of planning to make. The gamepaly was built competitively, not focusing on who controls the vehicles (like stand off) and not on just random killing (like most heavy maps), but tactics. You can use a vehicle to get to the other side but everyone will know that you are there, so you may want to take foot. Adding the man cannons allow you to do so without it being a suicide mission. Also almost every weapon and vehicle is placed for tactical use, limiting and promoting more use of some weapons/vehicles. Vehicle list per base: Gauss hog Hog Banshee Chopper 2 mongeese. lol. PICTURES: warthog, gauss hog, one goose and banshee locations in picture. Man cannon added too more easily get across the map by foot. shield door added in the window to prevent sniping in and out of the base. Over shield for the dumb ass that runs into the middle by himself. lol hammer for protection from vehicles. Download and enjoy. Thank you Silence for knowing that i wouldn't make a map that is pointless.
This is great! I am a HUGE fan of all the heavy maps. This is very thought out, for example the mancannon and certain weapons not originally there. I like it and the shield doors are a good idea too! That's about all I can say, but all in all a great thought out map. -Irish
im not the biggest fan of heavy maps but this looks pretty good but i think you should make a v2 and add more stuff to it
I think this was a waste of time. I believe you are better then this and you should not resort to making a map just because. There are tons of "Heavy maps" if you havent noticed already. I suggest you spend your time making something worth wile. However, this will get a lot of attention because you are a premium.
well, this has no real "pazazz" to it like im used to, but geomerging on standoff?!!?! i had no idea that was even possible. im a big fan of btb, and i think i told you about that time i got 43 kill in a game, and my whole family was watching! the one time they watch me too... XD 'ts a little different then what im used to from ya, but ill definetly check it out.
Ugh. This looks like a very bad map for me. I despise all of the heavy maps, and this one looks even worse than the original standoff heavy. Sorry, but 1.5/5
This map looks, well like it didn't take very long at all. You didn't add much to standoff and the idea itself is not that original. There is very little advance forging. If the gameplay is amazing then I will take this all back, but as of now it looks like a trainee map.
Where is the geomerging/ EDIT:the mancannons are geomerged into the ground. The map looks really good and It looks like you did take your time becayuse you actually geomerged on a map besides avalanche and foundry. didnt really know that that could be done. The map looks pretty good and seems to not be to heavy but as sseen in the normal standoff heavy the gauss is way to powerful. Someene got a killionare in a gauss. I think you should have explained the map a little better so we understand it better but I will download and see how the map works.
I don't get it: you're a much better forger than this. Sure, there are such things as really successful non-foundry, weaponset-changed maps, but even the hanges you made don't make much sense. A shield door in the base window? Why? I know, so you can't snipe in the base, but what's the big deal, if you manage to actually snipe someone through that small window... meh, this better be a joke.
Jesus christ... all of you are whats wrong with Forgehubs maps section. Download the ****er, play a damn game on it, THEN complain.
Exactly. For all of you who say that this map is pointless and badly done, chew on this: "One small difference can cause a world of change." - Anonymous
it could use some more up to date forging. I know im going to get a infraction for saying this but. This looks like it took no talent at all, you layed down some weapons and that was it. The only thing that looks good is the man cannons. 1/5
the map itsself is a little bland. however i am a fan of heavy maps and everything seems to have a purpose. but seeing as there is a few xtra vehicles and weapons its nothing new. 3/5 srry but no dl (subject to change) edit* i have changed my mind. i have to go to bed now but ill dl and play tommorow after reading the last coupleof comments.
Sorry, I agree with The Official Y35 that you are way better than this. This map hardly takes any skill to make. The good part is that this is 3 times better than the one made by Bungie. Well I obviously know that you have planned and tested this map and making sure that its more fun than the original and yes it is true. But if you are going to make another non-foundry map, try making it a bit more complex.
UPDATED: More info added for those who don't play the map before judging the creators map and capability. Honestly why would i make a map if it wasn't worth playing? lol
why would he post a map, and allow his reputation considered if he wasnt ABSOLUTLY sure it was what he wanted, and was worth showing. come on people, youve never even played on this and your judging it.
Ok, i agree. You guys could be right...so, How come you did not stick up and say something for *this guy* I will try the map some other time, i just dont feel its a great map.
I hadn't stuck up for him because I haven't been able to play it and see if it were good... so I'm sorry.. But i didn't post on the map saying it was bad now did i? No.. didn't think so.
No you didn't and i am talking to people like silence, jay, etc.. Let the people say what they want. They dont need to like the map simply because a premium person made it. if they want to dislike it then you shouldn't be mad at them, you should listen and put the extra effort into your next map.
The ''extra'' effort has been added before your ignorance.. If you post on a map without AT LEAST a constructive reply, it is technically spam, and they are warning you of that. Now please do not post in this thread unless you have a constructive reply. If it doesn't live up to my other maps let me know why, and If you haven't had a game on this map yet, you have barely a clue at all if it does or not. Thanks.