Invasion By Teddy405 and foxfootball30 Map : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Gametype Default "Infection" Gametype Invasion is an infection map that is essentially a long path divided into littler paths. The zombies spawn at one end of the path and the humans on the other side. The humans can go into a sniper perch and try to kill the zombies as they spawn or they can go down another path and face the zombies head on. The zombies have to go down the path and avoid the human setups. If the humans choose to face the zombies head on, there are a couple of bases avaiable to them such as a balcony. You can have as many players as you want and this works with any infection gametype (preferably normal Infection). Now for pictures. The humans spawn in this corner. The zombies spawn in this end. Staircase to have humans go head on with zombies. Sniper perch. One of the many obstacles along the path. Leading up to the balcony. A human convoy. Two trenches.
This looks like a good map but it seems a little to hard for the zombies. I f the zombies spawn in the same spot each time couldn't you simply camp where they spawn and get infinate kills. also, the sniper perch seems very unfair. It seems to be another camping zone and it would be nearly impossible to get away from the spawning area. Overall, it looks like a really good map but a little hard for the zombies.
We made it so the zombies spawn all over their box area. That way, it takes longer to find and kill them allowing most of them to escape.
ok, I see, now it makes sence. That way some of the camping will be removed sence they dont respawn at the exact same spot. Thanks for answering my main problem with the map so the map is a 4/5
Looks like a pretty good map. Some spots look kind of sloppy, but other than that its ok. In the third pic, you should geomerge the stairs, and in the first pic, the boxes should be interlock nicely and maybe geomerged al little. But considering this is an infection map, i guess it doesnt matter too much. Ill give you a 4.5/5. PS- Isnt this like your third map posted in 2 days???
Looks like it would have fun gameplay but some of the things in this map seem kinda overdone like with that teleporter arrow it was long and drawn out with that huge tail at the end of it seems you went a little overboard.
There aren't too many pictures but the map feels pretty sweet from what you have there.Some of the boxes though look a little bumpy but that shouldn't matter.Since this map plays for infection its pretty impressive because not too many people could pull off a nice looking infection map like this one you have here.Great job on the map and keep making them
walmartman117..we were kind of wondering wether that teleporter arrow was too long too until we did a few test games and some kids couldnt manage to find the lift so we decided it was ok
Looks pretty good, I'll DL it and play it sometime. You should GeoMerge the stairs in picture 3 with the map wall just for aesthetics though. 8/10