
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by x DREAM 76 x, Nov 30, 2008.

  1. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
    Senior Member

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    Created By: x DREAM 76 x & oO SLiK Oo

    Gametype Supported: Battle Tracks
    Recommended Players: 8-16

    Quasar is a new Battle Track on Foundry. This beast of a project was created over the course of several nights. This was an ambitious project from the start. The idea was to create an enormous sky track that would run over a long winding tunnel. We also wanted to have plenty of twists and turns to keep the racing fresh and exciting. The creation of the elevator was actually forged quite late in the design of the track. We basically needed a way to get back up to the sky part sections. At first the elevator was giving us some stability problems. We tried a few designs and came up with one that worked really sweet. Crank up a huge party and have a blast! Enjoy!






    #1 x DREAM 76 x, Nov 30, 2008
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2010
  2. arrrghSAM

    arrrghSAM Ancient
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    Wow well done, this map looks amazing!
    Probably the best and cleanest Race track I've seen so far.
    Queued :D
    Again, well done!
  3. TKOwnedU5

    TKOwnedU5 Ancient
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    you wanna know something weird i clicked the name and i thought of it...and i thought it sound like a racetrack and what do you know it is....great name for the track...nice side bending turn you have there great interlocking...one thing i don't get is why is there someone lasering the mongoose in the last picture???.....Other whys one of the greatist tracks ive seen great job keep on forging!!
  4. Maestro Monk

    Maestro Monk Ancient
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    Wow this is a pretty sweet clean racetrack. There was hardly (if any) bumps on the track that i could see from the pics, and it looks like a lot of fun to play on.

    You should describe the gametype that goes with it so people can see what its like. (Im guessing you get spartan lasers?)

    Nice map but i'll have to play it first and see what to rate it. But from the pics ill give you a 5/5
  5. AItius

    AItius Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like one of the best racetracks out there. I also love the battle idea. 5/5. Great idea!
  6. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    In the description one thing he talks about is battle tracks and the different versions. I am guessing thaat one version of battle tracks is a V.I.P. that has a sparten laser in his possecion. I hope that the mongooses are indestructable because that wouldnt be very fair. The track looks really good with tons of swooping banking turns that make this one of the best race tracks out their today. Overall, an amazing track and a definite download.
  7. The Alb1n0

    The Alb1n0 Ancient
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    This map is one of the best racetracks i've ever seen. 5.5/5. Do you know what I say about the map? ACTIVATE THE QUASARS!
  8. OwlWolf

    OwlWolf Ancient
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    This is a very nice looking track for almost the entire thing. I do notice a few interlocks that are crooked and leaning (a-b signs, double walls on the ground), but thats only cosmetic. Hopefully the whole battle aspect of it is fun and not impossible to play with.
    Good work
  9. fergfighter

    fergfighter Ancient
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    awww i thought this was actually gonna b the actual game quazar ( lazer tag but better ) but still i have to admit an amasing map 5/5
  10. Snip3rs Creed

    Snip3rs Creed Ancient
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    Wow. In my opinion this is way better than the last foundary race track that got featured. Looks smooth, great turns and nice battle idea. I expect to see this featured in the near future. Great Job. 5/5
  11. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    i smell premium for Dreamer great map completely interlocked and geomerged perfectly with interesting turns at perfect angles. I love it man. I am looking forward to this being featured (if the staff have any sense they will) and look forward to any new ones you have coming out.
  12. IrishBeast

    IrishBeast Ancient
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    This is amazing. It looks almost 100% clean with 0 bumps. I like multilevel tracks, and this "battle tracks" idea looks awesome. I always have fun goofing off on the back of a moongoose, but making a map and being able to put that into it is just plain cool. Great forging, though a few more pics would be great.

  13. HandiCappKill3r

    HandiCappKill3r Ancient
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    Wow,This map has to be the best race map i've seen.The track looks very smooth and the one reason i love it is because all those turns,they memorized me.Great post and map!
  14. Pennywiez

    Pennywiez Ancient
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    wow this track is very well made and half the time i will probaly think this is more of a roller coaster than a racetrack. anyways the track is very smoothed and has great interlocking and geomerging but it would have been even cooler if you had added some more stuff
  15. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Another great map Dream. Everything is so smooth and it varies from your more recent works with the shield door/man cannon elevator. It works wonderfully. I would have to say I like this one better than Red Giant, but it still doesn't top The Singularity. 5/5. Keep em coming :)
  16. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    omg the first pic is kick ass then you show us the overlapping turns. if this was for racetracks i wouldnt dl because it looks very cheatable but scince its made for battletracks its definately worth checking out 5/5 and ill dl
  17. SiN Fwang

    SiN Fwang Ancient
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    i agree with anyone who said that this was the best racetrack ever. it's smooth, clean, doesnt look like you'll get all mad about falling off, and it looks like it would be fun to play with friends. 5/5. keep on forging!
  18. x DREAM 76 x

    x DREAM 76 x New World Man
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    Thanks.. I love reading some of the great posts! I agree with you that it has been real tough to top Singularity. I do feel that this map is equally good. I am pretty happy with the way the elevator came out. I am glad you like the new track!
  19. Scalpel Technique

    Senior Member

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    what's this? Yet another top quality track from Dream76? That's like 3 in what feels like a matter of weeks, you're a race track making machine. If only I could get my boring matchmaking addicted friends to have a race...
  20. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    Yea im oO SLiK Oo im the other guy who made the map with Dream.Me and dream yelled at eachother on the map when were making it for stupid reasons.hehe but this is a map that me a dream made everything almost perfect to show people how we forge and we no what were doing.But me and dream worked alot and took our time and got it done faster then one person would take.Its a honor to work with dream seriously.I think that we should contunie to make maps and do what we love.Give everyone The best race tracks.Good job Dream.
    oO SLiK Oo
    Special Thanks to
    Battle Tracks and EFK and HT CHEW MY PLUMS for testing.

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