Why do you have to go to another site for this. I by no means know about the graphics stuff but I see any reason to go somewhere else. Can you explain to me why you would go somewhere else?
How about working something out with the staff so you guys with still be doing this on FH. I think everything should stay here.
we need something better than a thread to organize everything tristan.. whats the big deal anyways its just one link. bookmark it
Not everything is ForgeHub, you know..... I am talking with Vinny about connecting his site to a section of mine....we will see how that works out though....
Thanks, if it's not too much of a hassle to people, would they mind submitting the .PSD's to some of their work? I know that's a lot to ask, so I understand if you don't want to.
might I suggest Official PSDs | Your PSD Image Community You can upload your psd's there, and then link them to us on flubber44?
Yeah, this Tuesday I plan on saving and packaging whatever anyone has submitted. If you guys would like to discuss how it is to be packaged and the way it will be, just post on the discussion board so we don't unnecessarily clog up this thread.
no, i dont get why people keep making other places to go to keep it "organized" because i think FH is fine. But i do think think forgehub should make different sub-forums, it would make it better here. (and yes, for those of you who know me, its me lol, i havent been on in awhile) EDIT - Well, i joined, but im telling you, im not going to ever be on, im just going to check it out to see what its like
forgehub is not going to make sub-forums for this project. they are already at about a maximum of sections that they can keep an eye on
i've just done it so it's easier (i originally thought that there would be a lot of submissions, now i'm just keeping it because it's organized) to just pack all the submissions together
You may want to consider using some user created stocks. I'd love to help but i havn't really tried creating any of these things.. i just find them and use them.