The Halo Speed Quiz Dicution Thread

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BunN eeE, Nov 30, 2008.


Did you like the Halo Speed Quiz?

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  1. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello everyone, this is a place to discuss the Halo Speed Quiz. I hope you enjoyed taking the Quiz. Here you may compare answers, remember that there is no Right or Wrong. You may also tell me what you Liked, or Disliked about the Quiz, and what should be changed the next time I try to make something like this.

    Basically this Thread is open for any type of discussion that is somewhat related to the Halo Speed Quiz.
  2. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I dislike you using such a mega font.
    What's 'fresh'?
    Wouldn't a good jumper be a smart player? (For example, in Oddball, it would be smart to jump in to a high up place, away from gun fire, with the ball...)
    10-20+? Why not just 10+?
    What's the difference between a Crazy Assassination and a regular assassination?
    Do you bother checking you posts for spelling mistakes? (Discussion, not Dicution)
    Is it not possible to strafe while shooting someone with a BR?
    Why so many MLG related questions?
  3. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. I use Mega Font to grab people's attention.
    2. 'Fresh' means brand new, just respawned, has a full clip (ammo) and has not been touched by anyone other then you.
    3. Being a smart jumper means knowing your terrain. Being able to sneak around the other Team. For example on Guardian you can do Gold 1 to Gold 2 (Its an MLG Jump) by doing this you go from one floor to the other faster, and without making the sound that the Gold lift makes. This gives you the element of surprise in a game, which can totally change the setup of the other team.
    4. Juggling the Flag means dropping it, then picking it up really fast. This gives you a speed boost. When you are just running with the Flag, your speed is decreased. Although when you quickly pick up, and then drop the flag it returns you to normal speed, thus giving you a little boost.
    5. Your right on that one, now I realize my mistake.
    6. Crazy Assassination
    7. Sorry if I misspelled a couple of things, I was writing this around 12 PM/AM Yesterday, I didn't have the clearest mind at the time.
    8. You are supposed to Strafe when you shoot someone with a BR, although you can have a good Strafe and a Good BR. Or you could have a Good BR but a bad Strafe and vice-versa. So I give you a choice, which one would you rather have perfecter, the BR-ing or Strafing?
    9. Some of the questions are a bit MLG related, because I like MLG. I find it the only actual competitive gametype that take skill. But as you see, most of the Strafing and BR-ing can also, and should be also done in a Regular game. And when I give you a choice of which map is better. (MLG) Guardian or (MLG) Pit. By putting the Brackets () around MLG I make that option. So you can choose if you like the map better on MLG setting or Regular settings.
  4. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    haha, I see. Sort of an assassination which wasn't really an assassination.

    I think the quiz isn't such a bad idea but I think you should include questions which people could discuss more. Things like 'Do you like Haters?' aren't really discussable.

    I think maybe questions about tactics would be good, like the use of grenades. I know some people will chuck grenades across the map and get the odd lucky kill, other people will lay them on the ground like short fuse mines when being chased (stickies are fun, stick them to the floor, the chaser runs round the corner and they get caught in the explosion).
    Or capturing the flag, how well do people use their team? Many times I have managed to get to the oppositions base and back with the flag on my own because everyone else is too busy killing each other, or other times I wouldn't have got the flag with out the team, like when a team mate dropped a bubble shield over me and saved me from a rocket!
  5. Smeagle

    Smeagle Ancient
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    I thought it was great and I'm getting my thread to take it right now. But, you should add a code somehwere so people can post all the answers from it. Kind of annoying to write it up and go up and down the list to see the answers. I just want the answer, and then go back down to post the letter. Post your own example as well, so we can see how you answered it too. Kind of a full perspective on it.

    Again, great idea, and great job!
  6. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You gave me a pretty good idea, asking question about the grenades, and how you communicate and interact with you team. Also thanks on telling me how I should make it more discussable. I will try to incorporate your suggestions into the next Quiz I'm going to make.

  7. BunN eeE

    BunN eeE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alright, I'll see what I can do about the actual Question answering, and how it is annoying to go up and down the page. And I already have posted my answers, I believe they are like the 4th reply.

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