One of the infamous glitches on halo 2 has been found in halo 3. Make sure to start the video around 1:10
BYYB can be used as a BXB in a kind of way. Try it out, You'll notice the speedup. I dont really see the "fakeness" involved in this btw.
The reason people say it is fake is because in the last few seconds, someone 4 shots another and they are all body shots meaning the damage resistance has been changed or something like that. Thats what everyone over at mlg say.
Meh, I'm not big on Halo 3 rumors of any kind, but with a huge and dedicated community like Bungie's, someone will have groundbreaking evidence one way or another in a short period of time.
Yes I already saw this, and it was already confirmed to be fake. They altered the beat down strength, or they lowered the shields, I forgot which. I'd do it now if I had my xbox. To bad that its not real, because it would make some competitiveness come back as vinny said.
It's fake. They had the LEADERS damage resistance to 200% and everyone's damage at 200%, so whenever someone beat down the leader it didn't work, but if they beat anyone else down it would work.
I heard about this a while back. EDIT:I guess it's not true. Oh well I'm glad. Halo 2 had so many button glitches, it was retarded.
So, you don't want to obtain the skill it takes to be good at H3, but you would rather use some stupid glitch to be good? You would...
Its hardly stupid, if its there take advantage and use it. Your telling me you never YY'ed or Sword Cancelled on H2? Good one...
I didn't play Halo 2 because of the stupid glitches that people exploited. I don't use glitches to be good at a game. It is sad that some people can't or won't even try and play the game the way it was meant to be played.
I think this is a hoax, and they just upped the damage. If you look at the end of the video, when the guy goes up the lift and starts shooting his target to the back, you can clearly see that it only took him 3 shots to the back to get him to Red Bar. And if anyone here plays MLG, they should know by experience that 3 shots never take you down all the way to Red Bar. They only reduce your shields to 1/8 of the full bar, or 1.5/8 of the full bar. This I believe proves that the damage has been increased from the original amount thus making it possible to kill someone only with 1 beatdown. Some of you may say, well how did they make their guns seems like they were constantly beating down? Well this is done by rapidly pressing the Y button and then when the time is right to make the correct effect you press the B button (RB Button in my case). And since you have not performed a beatdown earlier, as soon as you are done switching your weapons, you can perform the beatdown. Although I cannot currently test these statements as my Xbox has been shipped out to get fixed. I also have yet another theory on what sequence of buttons were pressed to perform this action. Perhaps it was as the following - (Using Default Controls) 1. Y Y Y RB B (Before this sequence is done, have at least 1 shot fired in both weapons) 2. Y Y RB B 9 (Before this sequence is done, have at least 1 shot fired in your primary weapon) 3. Y RB Y RB B (Before this sequence is done, have at least 1 shot fired in both weapons) 4. Y Y Y Y Y... B 5. RT B RB B RB B B (Before this sequence is done, have at least 1 shot fired in your primary weapon) I have just made these sequences up, and if they don't work, I'm sorry, although do try them and see what happens. Although I will try to contact both Walshy and Lunchbox about this, and try to get the scoop. I know Lunchbox, he's on my Friends List.
WOW! You do not want for that to happen. I play Halo competitively, and I got sponsored by GameBattles last year. My point is that I play with crazy good people just as good as me. Back in Halo 2 my friend, iTz Ic3Fr3sH, could double shot your whole BR Clip. He's a ****ing crazy MOFO! When we play H2 he still does it all the time, this means his Un-Out-Brable, when that happens, the only thing you can do it Quick or No Scope him... Or you could try to BxR him, but he'll BxB you before you can do anything. Just trust me, You do not want for people to find out how to Double Shot!
not really unfortunately, the BXB doesnt work, and i believe it was an old glitch that was fixed in a bungie auto-update, i dont think that it works anymore, because if it did, i would have had it happen to me at least once. I just dont think its legit.