Well this map is one my favorites that I made and it is basically the Ascension tower except it doesn't have the moving triangle or the fork tower, as all of that wasn't used in Take the Tower anyway, and Foundry isn't big enough for that. It does, however, have a bridge and also a few crouch jump areas that can be great for guarding your turret man. This map has been tested with 3 on 3 only as getting any more hard. :squirrel_evil:. Weapons: shotguns (duh) Players: 4-16 Map: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17884254 It comes with a game variant that has unlimited ammo shottys and other things Variant: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=17775137&viewreplies=true The steps up to the tower The tower View from turret Blue dude=dead My NEW gamertag is o VeloruS o so hit me up if you want to play
Not to be offensive to only you, it's just that all these new members sign up and post their maps without being ready. The Forge Hub community is a great community that will accept your map with praise and constructive criticism, when your post is ready. I know you're eager to dive head first into the stream of maps but does it hurt to wait a day or two until you're ready with pics? Please be considerate and take into consideration that this thread is taking space away from maps that actually have pics. Again it's nothing personal, you're new i get it, but keep these things in mind, ~Billy Reloaded
use xs.to for your pictures. It's really easy and quick. My signature picture is a link to the site. good job linking to your map post though, most ppl don't get that right on their first post (including me).
pictures are up, sorry that they are small but for whatever reason they are like that, even though I followed the steps to have regular pictures :squirrel_wtf: I also fixed a box that kept glitching and moving out of the way
Actually looks pretty good, but enlarge the pictures... make sure to click on the image to get rid of the thumbnail before embedding them... Great first map... EDIT: I should have clarified, the pics are embedded, but not big enough. The PM should help.