I've been noticing lately that several of the poorer quality posts in the Forge Maps section keep getting bumped to the top by members repeatedly telling the original poster he/she didn't do it right, please read the "how to post maps" section, blah, blah, blah. Please, for the love of god, stop it. If one member/moderator replies to the post with the embedded link on how to post maps correctly, don't re-bump the thread by repeating him. This community is getting bigger by the minute, and as a result there are more and more maps being published on a regular basis. While I can certainly appreciate the level of help and general friendliness that comes from the members of FH, all that ends up happening is the other maps that are posted properly get shoved down towards the bottom of the page by a non-descriptive post with no pics and a link to a fileshare. A lot of folks have worked hard to provide their maps to the community and have worked equally as hard to post it correctly. It's an injustice and slap in the face to have their work go un-commented on while the new guy who's in too much of a rush to read anything gets 5 or 6 posts telling him in a very friendly way that he's an idiot. [/rant]
As someone who is occasionally guilty of this myself, let me add to this: First off, I never double post thread-fixing suggestions (by double-post I mean say what someone else JUST said). I think what gets to me (and I assume others as well) and causes me to post another 'reminder' to fix the post is when the thread owner ignores the suggestion and continues to post replies without fixing the thread (most common instance is thread title). I know at this point it is on the staff to remedy (warn/lock) the situation, but when other regular users begin adding actual comments, and the thread owner continues posting, it gets to me. I guess subconsciously I think that the additional reminder will either cause the thread owner to finally fix it or cause the staff to notice the thread owner disregarding the rules. Either way, I'm still adding to the problem. The question is, what to do (because in actuality, the thread in question is not dying on its own)? Is the ignoring of the original suggestion something that should fall under the 'Report to Moderator' function?
Not until it becomes a hard and fast rule of the forum that pictures MUST IN ALL CASES be posted. But perhaps it should. I will bring this thread and it's content up amongst the staff. Please continue posting your thoughts guys.
Surely off-topic chat should be discouraged, or am I getting the wrong end of the stick? I believe telling someone what they have done wrong is deviance of the thread's intention, so therefore off-topic?
We are discussing cases where the post contains no pictures, has indirect links or no map description - in these instances it is very strongly encouraged to correct the post in line with the site map posting guidelines. It isn't off topic as it pertains directly to the topic and it's author.
I was referring more to the rules regarding thread titles. This is the only instance where I have actually given someone another 'reminder' to fix their thread. Sure if the other aspects of their post are incomplete, we'll refer them to the guidelines, but if they don't fix it, the only people they are really hurting is themselves (fewer views/downloads), so further 'reminders' are not needed - and should be discouraged. The situation I was referring to was when people ignore the suggestion to fix their thread title, which gives them a publicity advantage. Is this 'Report to Mod' worthy?
this is so true...but i wouldnt limit it to bumping bad pic threads, for instance i had this 1 guy repeating every time i called for a lock, just in different words :squirrel_wtf: i think i got him to stop but you get the idea
Plus it's considered good form to lend a helping hand to the new guys and show them how much better it is here. But the unnecessary doubling up of 'help' comes across as - "Hey, look at me, I'm helpful, too." - "Well, I'm more helpful cause the color of my link is different than yours." - "Screw all you guys, I'm the helpfulist d00d evah." It's like they A.) don't even read the guy's post to see if anyone else has tried to offer assistance, or B.) are reading the whole thing and post their 'help' anyway in a shameless bid to build cred for being knowledgeable. I don't see why it wouldn't be. It would then be up to the Moderators to view the thread and do what they will to resolve the situation. I think I remember that. Maybe calling for a lock in a post isn't such a good idea for that very reason. This goes back to the 'Report to Moderator' question...
now that orange is a mod, i can prolly just PM or skype him stuff that should be locked...before i wasnt in contact with most mods very often so id have to post, PMing is annoying, and report to mod usually doesnt mean 'lock please'
I highly agree, and i think that moderators should think of a different way to attract newcomers to the post For 'how to post a map' Perhaps changing the colour of the Title? Making it more eyecatching, so that people see it and read it before they post a map with just a link to thier fileshare.
I trawl the forge maps section every so often renaming map titles if they are anything but the map name or all caps, and I know some other mods do too. It's always a delight to come across a map entitled 'Best map ever!!!!!' because they haven't given a map name and I just rename it to 'A map'. Anyway, use report to moderator preferentially for topic titles, or get in contact over IM. We are considering adding a new feature that confronts new members which walks them through aspects of the site, incl. posting rules.
That is a good idea... Jeez. I just realized I am a "top member" so to speak. Fun! I am one of the highest posters (5th?) that isn't staff/ loyal. Yay me! And back on topic: Yes, this annoys me. But what annoys me even more is when people post maps w/o pictures b/c they will "update later." Can't they just wait a day?
How do you know of this? Is there some post statistic counter magician that you feed candy or something? I've suggested this before. You called me a communist.
I completely agree. Either the other guys posting there are post count hungry, or just want to rub it in the topic creators face that they messed up. Either way it its still pretty stupid.
doesnt really belong here, but id just like to point out this: everyone WANTS to be guilder. some people more than others, i think it would be nice to have more downloads is really the only reason i would care, but i guess others are in it for the glory and friends and whatnot. i know alot of these people who are really in it for the sake of being "better than other people". it makes them feel better than others. you can often see people who think that the guilders are any better than anyone else, in my mind everyone is human and the same, just the guilders have had more practice and skill than the others. i respect guilders for their abilities, and i try not to make them any better than anyone else.... anyway, i think its turned into the goal to be a guilder, instead of the goal to be a helpful member of an awesome community. i think the only way to fix this is remove the guilder application forum, guilders are chosen by the current guilders by majority vote. people also have to understand that the guilders are normal people, just like themselves (except yavi, who is jesus)