
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Atheos23, Feb 27, 2008.


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  1. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    CHIMERA (ki-mer-a)

    I was going for a fast paced flow to slayer games featuring <b>8-12 players</b> while offering the opportunity to camp—sort of. The point of this game is to tactically take and hold key areas while not neglecting others. King of the hill could be interesting on this map as well as single flag CTF (both coming soon). Running alone will more than likely result in death every time—as is intended. Small groups could very well pwn this board since it is not very big…but the layout isn’t small either.

    Please, offer constructive criticism on the design of my first Forge Hub contribution. If you guys like it, more will follow.

    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28

    In Greek mythology, Chimera is a monstrous creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, which was made of the parts of multiple animals. Homer's brief description in the Iliad is the earliest literary reference: "a thing of immortal make, not human, lion-fronted (turret base) and snake behind (winding escape route of Reprieve), a goat in the middle (invisibility leading you on like a dumb assed goat), and snorting out the breath of the terrible flame of bright fire (flame thrower, flare, and fire bomb grenades)".
    By atheos23 at 2008-02-28

    <b>Part I: Sniper Alley</b>—the textured inspiration comes from Blood Gulch. The intended effect of this area is a shortened, straight line distance between bases with cover afforded by a raised central platform. This tempting avenue may seem short and easy but well placed BRs/coveys and sniper rifles at each base demand respect. The presence of the map’s only turret orienting its primary sector of fire down this “alley of death” assures that players will surely seek other avenues of approach.

    <b>Part II: The Turn</b>—this area is a mesh of two boards; Turf and Chill Out, from Halo. Two barriers provide cover for medium to long range weapon holders so they can monitor the Tunnel, and with it, the rocket launcher. This area is multileveled allowing its occupants to expand their pwnage capacity. There are two battle rifles behind the barriers, a shotgun above the twisted bulkhead, and a power drain to ensure this key bend can be well guarded.

    <b>Part III: Camp pwn</b>—inspired by Guardian and Lockout this area provides plenty of up close and impersonal combat scenarios. Featuring a shotgun, spike grenades, smgs, and areas to pwn with BRs and carbines, this area is small and jagged but difficult to defend.

    <b>Part IV: Rally</b>—dodge, duck, dip, dive…dodge (?) Maneuverability during medium range combat was the primary goal for this area. Influenced by Ivory Tower, Turf, and The Pit this area provides plenty of room for teams to regroup and rearm after an encounter. Featuring the board’s only brute shot, an overshield, flare, and BR this tactical twist is vital to regaining the initiative.

    <b>Part V: Resting Place</b>—the initial starting point for one team, this area was inspired by the shotgun section of Snowbound. A shield door provides cover from incoming grenades and perpendicular fire but mind the false wall housing a flamethrower. The name fits this area nicely as it becomes tempting to sit and camp here, becoming obsessed with incinerating careless passersby, but watch the reach-around!

    <b>Part VI: The Tunnel</b>—an interesting take on the middle parts of Lockout, Narrows, and dare I say, Isolation. Two ways in, typically one way out, death! This area runs perpendicular under Sniper Lane connecting The Turn with Rally. Common sense says stay away but a well placed rocket launcher begs you to enter. Guaranteed to piss off a lot of people and make a lot of BR campers happy, this area is the only alternate way of reaching the opponents’ base. Enjoy!

    <b>Part VII: The Bases—Reprieve and The Tomb.</b> Reprieve features an interesting raised platform perfect for the sniper rifle (located above) and a nice little area to attempt to hold down. A mauler, bubble shield, sniper, and covey rest here. Pwn with caution. The Tomb is located in the opposite corner of the map in the tunnel where people spawn on Foundry and the area immediately in front. A sniper rifle, regenerator, mauler, TURRET, and various other weapons can be found here. This area flows nicely into Camp pwn but is distinctly different. Similar to Reprieve, this is probably the only other area where you could rest and lick your wounds a while.

    #1 Atheos23, Feb 27, 2008
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2008
  2. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just so you know, you don't have to upload pics to your fileshare. Just be online when you get pics, and it'll go to your "Hi-Res Gallery".
  3. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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  4. Billy Reloaded

    Billy Reloaded Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It looks a tad on the messy side but otherwise it looks like a great map. I'd be really interested in trying this out if my xbox wasn't being fixed.
  5. Iv0rY Snak3

    Iv0rY Snak3 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    looks frikin amazin will dl
  6. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can you explain how it looks messy? This is one of the cleanest maps my friends and I have seen. Have you played it yet or are you just going off the pictures?

    More pics coming...

    JASONYO Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    it doesn't look messy at all, in fact, the interlocking objects are pretty well done
  8. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hope the flow map helps understand what I was going for.
  9. Paralyzed King

    Paralyzed King Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks like you put a lot of time and effort into this map, I'll give it a download and give it a run through, I'll update my post later.
  10. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Updated pics!
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your pics look nice and the smart description along with the overhead map layout is a real nice touch. I already have a possible issue with this, but I'm going to wait until I give it a forgethrough to see what's what. The interlocking looks fantastic, though; kudos for that. Nice first post.
  12. deepmonkey paw

    deepmonkey paw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Easy to see that alot of time and effort was put into making this map and description worthy of notice. Ima DL just to see what its all about. Try to get back with a review later.
  13. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually it took about 3 1/2 hours. I have a pretty good technique for interlocking so it doesn't take long. thanks for the response...will be looking for your review.
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Your post is one of the best map posts that I have seen. You explain how everything is supposed to work and why weapons are where theyare. Very good interlocking and a good job on making a map that is unique, not squarish, and asymetrical.

    Also if you could spill the beans on your interlocking technique that helps you speed up hte process.
  15. ValorousBob

    ValorousBob Ancient
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    You seriosly have some beautifil interlocking and i like the parts where u have to crouch.
  16. Atheos23

    Atheos23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you're referring to the tunnel area, you don't have to crouch. The distance from the floor to roof is four walls thick...just enough to stroll on through.
  17. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Very very nice. This map is incredible. It reminds me of Chill Out, but not a remake, this is BETTER than the Chill Out remakes. The interlocking is genius, and the map layout is brilliant. Excellent map, well done. - Brute Captain
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I did a forgethrough a little while ago, and the map looks really well put together. The interlocking is superb and I loved the tunnel. You are obviously a good Forger and the ability to make a nice-looking asymmetric map is pretty hard to come by. I give you full credit for that.
    That being said, your map isn't ready. I waited until I forged around, but I had a pretty good idea of what I would find from your original post:
    I have to ask why you felt it necessary to post a map that you're already planning on making an update to. No other gametypes are set up except Slayer and by chance the default Oddball. Having multiple gametypes set up would really make this map incredibly enjoyable over and over again. Seeing as how you didn't need to budget-glitch this thing, you would have been able to set up just about every gametype and make it really interesting. I really don't understand the need to rush something you've obviously put a lot of time into. Your not the only one either, so this isn't entirely directed at you. I've seen other maps come out recently where the original post is already talking about an update. It makes no sense. I can totally understand if there's a small issue with a gametype or a suggestion from another member that's played it and you want to tweak for a second version, but as it stands it's just a one-trick pony and is very disappointing in that aspect.

    oTACTITIONo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is a lot of interlocking, looks like you spent some time on it.

    Nice job
  20. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    great job! way to be original, i love how you used the bridges to create different levels/angles kinda like my Battle Mound. i especially liked the rocket path underneath. Some sweet interlocking too, creating different heights and angles. and i never really thought about using 2 stair cases like that to create a box...good thinking.

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