Gaming binge goes too far Long story short,a guy plays WOW for 20 hours straight and passes out.let this be a reminder to you all not to play too many games for too long.
gosh that is quite something, 24 hours straight? The new game must be ****ing awesome lol, I liked the other part about man hunt on the wii.
20 hours,and yes I found it quite shocking.We all have our days where we go for 7 or so hours (my record's 11) and then get a headache,and take a motran,but 20 hours?srsly
Lol, I saw that on the Yahoo news updates, however the damn video wouldn't load I WANTED TO SEE IT. I don't see why he passed out, I have stayed up for like 2 days straight, not playing video games, but still.
Thats the reason why I dont join an addicted online game and spend my whole life on it. These are the reasons, but I wonder if they kid will every play the game again, im sure if hes not allowed he'll get pissed
How can someone play that game for that many straight hours anyway? I can only play it for 20 minutes at the most. The game is so boring.
My longest time ever playing Xbox was 16 hours. :O I would get up and play it all day long until I got tired and went to bed. 20 Hours, seriously? Now that's just +4 hours than mine, but I'd never pass out after playing a game for that long. I'd just go to the power plug, take it out and get into bed. Now that is an addiction.
Me too i dont play on the computer to much because the violent video games on the computer give you twice the dopamine ( a type of disease that makes you more likely to become more violent) thats in our xbox games that are violent i think computer games should be taken away from little kids at least the violent ones.....well thats my opinion on this topic!
The guy wasn't even well nutritioned. Of course he's going to pass out. I've played games longer than that. I don't pass out.
Yeah but are you fat? Or skinny? If your fat then chances are you might be okay because I see a lot of fat people sit and play WoW days straight and they're okay but a skinny guy doesn't have the will to do so. They must get up after so long even if their life depended on it.
20 straight is pretty impressive. Normally wow players gotta take a break every 15 hours for their silent crying sessions.
this reminds of the dude that playd WoW like 3 dayz straight and died. NO JOKE it had onlind funeral and evrythng
i've played halo 3 for like 7 hrs but then got really bad and stopped to watch Tv lol i think he has an addiction lol WoW should die for this they have allready taken 1 life